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We have killed more species of animals than criminals arrested
in the last five decades. We may try to ignore the facts but
the experience of seeing (and / or photographing) an animal and
then realizing that the animal only be alive in a photograph is
not a happy thought. Here is a list of Top 10 Extinct Animals
(alive only in photographs).
Meanwhile, each day we welcome 2,10,000 more humans on
this planet; 15 lakh more every week! This is why mankind calls
itself a virus. For instance, 78 percent of marine mammals are
now endangered due solely to accidental death and one in
four mammals are threatened because of habitat
damage. According to recent stats, Asia has the most
endangered species at 79 percent.
Tasmanian Tiger
The Tasmanian Tiger was the largest carnivorous
marsupial of modern history. Despite being termed as
a 'tiger,' it wasn’t even vaguely related to cats, its closest
living relative is the Tasmanian Devil.
The principal cause of its extinction was mass hunting, though
the last one died in the Hobart Zoo, in Tasmania, Australia,
on September 7, 1936 due to neglect!
The Quagga was the queer brother of the zebra. The stripes
on a Quagga were limited to its frontal portion and the
rest of the body was similar to a horse with the exception
of white feet. Photographs are the only proof that this animal
ever existed. By 1870s, they were all killed, the last one died
at a zoo in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on August 12, 1883.
Passenger Pigeon
How can a bird, whose biggest flock recorded in 1820s
consisted of a billion birds be extinct in only 100
years? During colonization the slaves and the poor were
encouraged to hunt pigeon for food and pigeon
meat was commercialized as cheap food. Farmers
also had a grievance against their vast numbers. So
as a solution they terminated the species. The last known
Passenger Pigeon, named “Martha”, died in captivity on
September 1, 1914, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1896
Golden Toad
An Australian biologist Tim Flannery has described the
extinction of the Golden Toad to be the first demise of a
species due primarily to global warming. Recognized
by its bright golden-orange color, the species was last
sighted in 1989.
Caribbean Monk Seal
In 1491 Columbus, during his voyage, wrote about tiny
‘sea wolfs’; his team hunted and ate eight of them. The
trend ended in 1952, when all the monk seals were
extinct. The species was officially declared extinct just
last year, on June 6, 2008.
Pyrenean Ibex
The last known Pyrenean Ibex died on January 6, 2000.
However the species was brought back to life. This year
in January, Pyrenean Ibex became the first ever
species to be brought back into existence through
cloning. Though the newborn died just seven minutes
after due to lung failure, the events have raised optimism.
Bubal Hartebeest
The Bubal Hartbeest was first domesticated by the
Egyptians and even has a mention in the Old
Testament. The mythological aura however wasn’t
resilient enough to save it from European hunters.
The last was probably a female which died in the Paris Zoo
in 1923.
Tecopa Pupfish
The Tecopa Pupfish was the first species to be declared
extinct under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The
fish were first discovered in the Tecopa Hot Springs in California
in 1942. The springs were replaced with bathhouses, hotels
and trailer parks for tourists.
Pink Headed Duck
Pink headed ducks were natives of north-east India. They are
now extinct. However no official statement on this matter has
been provided. There have been only two sightings of this
shy bird, both in Myanmar; however the sightings have
failed to provide any proof. The photograph was taken in1930.
Susu Dolphin
Susu Dolphin or the Ganga Dolphine are not extinct,
however only 500 of the lot are alive. I give them five more
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