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geT thE beST daTIn Tips U EVEr WAnted to have JUST FoR FRee

"When a man cancels a date he cancels it because he has to...But when an X-Faker cancels a date he cancels it because he has two."





First Date Conversation Tips

First Date Conversation Tips

If you don’t know much about your date, having a nice friendly chatter over coffee won’t be an easy task. What you would ideally like to do is to keep the conversation smooth and interesting and steer clear of that awkward silence where your nervous urge to fill those gaps makes you blurt out something really stupid.

Here are a few suggestions to get over first date jitters…

What she likes to do for fun
Well you should definitely ask her these questions if you plan to take her out again. Ask her what she likes to do on weekends. Whether she prefers watching movies, dancing, long drives or smoking hookahs in a lounge pub. If you can actually get her turned on about trying out something novel and interesting you can bet that she will start looking towards going for the next date.

Her friends & family
Though a number of dating gurus advise men against asking their date about her family and friends, it actually works quite well in the Indian scenario. Most girls will happily chatter on for hours about how their little brothers and sisters are a complete nuisance or how strict those dads are. All you would need to do is smile, nod and look interested.

TV shows
Given a chance we would all turn into couch potatoes, and since you can safely assume that you date is reasonably interested in TV, ask her about her favourite shows. Since reality TV is replacing sitcoms and Saas-Bahu stuff, make jokes about how ten fat asses were encouraged to sweat out and lose weight and the biggest looser actually walked away with fifty lakhs. Make it interesting but don't talk as if TV is the centre of your existence

Current events
If your girl seems to be the intellectual type you can dazzle her with your knowledge about what’s happening around the globe. But keep the discussions light and friendly. If she has strong opinions about something hear her out, and don’t switch over to the debating mode. If , however, your life seems to revolve around work , sports and porn, be sure to read a lot of women’s magazines before going for the date.

What she likes in men
This is a golden opportunity of finding out about the kind of men she likes to be with. Does she prefer security or adventure? Does she fall for the boy- next- door type or gets turned on by tall muscular hunks with six packs.

Future plans
She'll love to have you ask her future plans, her goals and aspirations. Ask her about her career plans, where she'd like to live, who she'd like to emulate, and how she plans on making it all happen.

Vacation and holiday destinations
We all love the idea of travelling and visiting those exotic locations. Experiencing a different place, trying out new cuisines, shopping for knickknacks and partying out all night – sharing vacation experiences truly makes for great conversation. It’s a virtual goldmine if you want to get talking or enthral her with your adventures.

Past dates
It would actually be best to avoid saying anything about past relationships and girlfriends or asking her about her previous boyfriends. However, sharing funny date stories can easily fill up a couple of hours if you are a decent story teller. If you don’t have anything to share just make up a few funny ones. Also get her to share a few of her own; this may actually give you some vital hints regarding her tastes in men.

To make your first date perfect and memorable be sure to keep the conversation focussed on her. Let it flow naturally, and you just might have the most memorable first date in history.

One-Babe-A-Day Challenge

All you PITs (Players-in-Training) are all here to master the art of attracting beautiful women, aren’t you? And The Player has mentioned it time and again that the only way you can improve is by constantly practicing and sharpening your approach skills. But he understands that for a newbie, approaching a complete stranger can still be pretty scary, especially if you aren’t used to talking to a lot of people on a daily basis. So if you really want to improve, you need to practice and for that you need a good solid incentive.

The Challenge
So take up The Player’s One-babe-a-day challenge. Every day you see so many girls in your environment you would like to talk to, girls you COULD easily walk to and start a conversation, but you simply CHOOSE not to. Well from now on, do exactly the opposite of what your instincts tell you to. Instead of simply walking past her, walk up to her and say “Hi”, or whatever canned/ spontaneous opener you want to use. JUST DO IT.

The Catch
But here’s the catch. You have to do it every day. Come rain, some shine, come sickness, come health, you will approach at least one girl a day. You can’t make an excuse about not being in the zone, not being dressed as per the occasion, or not being in your usual environment. This will forcefully reprogram your inner instincts to treat the approach as a part of who you are, and not as something you have read from a book and are sceptically trying it out.

If you Flake…
However, if you don’t, you gotta pay up. For every day you wuss out of making the approach, you will you will have to pay a beggar twenty bucks, (hundrer, if you really have the moolah). And since you are all men of honour you will have to follow this honour system. This might be the only way to ensure that you don’t fall back on all your innumerable reasonable excuses.

The Reward
You see guys, you are in the game, you read through my stuff because of one reason and one reason only. You badly want to improve your chances with women. And The Player knows that while approaching strangers can be intimidating, just think how huge your playing field will become once you are able to overcome your fears and approach unknown women confidently. Why pin all your romantic hopes on that one girl in your class, or that one colleague you exchange hellos with. By mastering cold approaches, the world will literally become your oyster. There must be millions of beautiful women in your city, so just think about the sheer potential of cold approaches. You don’t have to remain single, you don’t have to be in an unfulfilling relationship either. By taking up The Player’s One-Babe-a-day challenge, you will soon become the player yourself.






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