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geT thE beST daTIn Tips U EVEr WAnted to have JUST FoR FRee

"When a man cancels a date he cancels it because he has to...But when an X-Faker cancels a date he cancels it because he has two."





Be The Alpha Male

What’s an Alpha Male?
There seems to be a delusion that an Alpha Male is a man who is full of himself and his machismo. That would be what is commonly referred to as an egomaniacal jerk. The Alpha Male on the contrary, is natural leader who's respected and admired by his peers. He doesn't have to bully and dominate people to gain their respect but the natural charisma he oozes just makes him stand apart from the crowd. While all other guys are waiting to be liked and picked by woman, this guy, is a chick magnet and girls are helplessly drawn to him wherever he goes.

Why women are attracted to the alpha male
Women are naturally drawn to those males who possess high amounts of strength, confidence and power. They seek the challenge and the primal knowledge of being with men who are stronger and more powerful than they are. A woman simply cannot be with a man whom she deems to be weaker than her. Although, this does not mean we look down upon non-Alpha males. We just recognize that such a match would not work long-term for most of us.

The laws of attraction are different for both men and women. While men are drawn towards a woman’s physical beauty, for women it’s the overall persona of a man that entices them. An alpha man is different from the crowd; you can spot him even in a group. He is the ideal man any woman would want to be with. He is confident and secure about himself, is not afraid to take the lead and gets what he wants out of life.

For any woman, the best way she will be truly attracted to you and would like being with you if and when she believes that she has earned you. Ironical as it may sound but it’s a fact that this creates a ‘crave- factor’ for you! All you need is a mindset of self-value and never portray any neediness in front of a girl, in order to get her hooked on to you.

The right attitude is all that matters

1. Keep it Casual. Keep this plain and simple fact in your mind- never show any sort of attachment to any girl, especially during the initial phase of dating. Take her and the relationship in a casual manner. Women cannot stand a wimp and clingy men. Getting a woman to date with you should never be a challenge for you - rather getting close to you should be a challenge for her.

2. Indifference to whichever direction the attraction is going. Don’t overrate the girl by giving her too much of importance to whether she ends up dating you or not. If she does go out with you- awesome!!! If not, don’t be disheartened, there’s a swarm of hotter chicks out there dying to be with you.

3. Work hard-Party Harder. In addition to working hard and climbing the ladder of corporate success; it’s also important that you socialize a lot. Hit the club on weekends; go out for drinks after work with friends and plan your weekend getaways. Preferably have lots of girl-friends (women are easy to befriend if you have such traits). Also date as many women as you can... don't restrict yourself only to dating "that one special girl."

4. Never Be Vulnerable. You might feel like “God, I must have this girl!” but never let the neediness show on your face or in your behavior when you are with her. Appreciate her being with you just the way you’d appreciate any acquaintance. Never let the neediness creep into your disposal. She will easily judge this and can even take undue advantage! And that’s why having an abundance of women in your life will solve that problem.

5. The ‘social proof’. Women are like honey-bees. They get attracted to a man who is universally appealing to most women. This is some kind of a “social proof” that the guy is a hottie and many chicks have their eyes set on him. She takes it as a challenge to get you and so she’s the one who’ll be making most of the efforts to ensure that she get to be seen around with you. You can sit back and relax! For example: Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes at his table? That's social proof in action.

Now, let me clarify that I am not endorsing or promoting jerkish, insensitive behavior. Just play your cards right. The Alpha male is confident about himself but that doesn’t mean that he’s some emotionless being. It's fine to think a girl is beautiful and also appreciate her beauty. So is to feel deeply for her. Here's the key though... you must always remind yourself that there are LOTS of other women out there who are just as wonderful as that girl you really like. If you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, you automatically surrender your power which, ironically in her eyes, makes you a less attractive catch.

So, you're free to think that a woman's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you would never come across as needy. Raise you self worth in your eyes, make her earn your attention, and hang out with as many women as possible...

How To Learn Spanish Quickly

With more and more Indians travelling overseas, both on business and pleasure trips, knowing a second, third or even a fourth language always comes in handy. And while you may be able to speak the Queens language as fluently as the Queen herself, you might have to visit places where English is not widely spoken or not spoken at all. Let’s take the example of Spanish. As the third most widely spoken language after Mandarin (Chinese) and English, Spanish is official language of twenty nations, and widely spoken in several others including the US. Following are the countries that have Español as their oficial language:

o Argentina
o Bolivia
o Chile
o Colombia
o Costa Rica
o Cuba
o Dominican Republic
o Ecuador
o El Salvador
o Equatorial Guinea
o Guatemala
o Honduras
o Mexico
o Nicaragua
o Panama
o Paraguay
o Peru
o Spain
o Uruguay
o Venezuela

What’s at Stake
If you plan to visit any of these countries in the near future, make sure to arm yourself with enough knowledge of the language so that you don’t find yourself completely at the mercy of local guides and are able to carry out some rudimentary communication with the natives. It won’t do you or your trousers any good if you have to visit the loo and people keep directing you to the nearest tapas joint.

First Steps
The first step is to acquaint yourself with the most commonly used words, phrases and greetings in Spanish. Having mastered these, you can then combine and mix words to construct relatively sane sentences. Before I start with the rudimentary lesson, I should let you know that I am a hard taskmaster and if tu do not pay atenciones, soy will cannes tu backsides…Comprende Señor? Alright, so that was a botched up attempt! But at least it got the meaning through!

To start with, let’s imagine that you are being introduced to a spanish gentleman or a beautiful Senorita who doesn’t know a word of English. How will you start the conversation? Practice the phrases below, and at least you’ll be able to strike up a conversation with a Spanish speaking person. It’s fairly easy since the pronunciation in Spanish is easy to master. Words are pronounced as they are spelt, with a few exceptions.

Hola – Hello

Como esta usted? – How are you?

(Note: Usted and tu are interchangeable? Tu is similar to the same tu in Hindi, and signifies familiarity. It is used to address friends and people in the same age group. Usted is similar to Aap in Hindi. It’s used in formal occasions and to address strangers and elders.)

¿Como se llama? / ¿Cuál es su nombre? – What’s your name?

Mi nombre es Rahul / Me llamo Rahul – My name is Rahul.
(Note: llamo is pronounced as yamo, with the ‘L’ being silent)

¿Usted tienen gusto de una bebida? – Would you like a drink?

¿Hay un próximo resturant? - Is there a restaurant nearby?

¿Usted habla inglés? / ¿Habla ingles? – Do you speak English?

No, hablo Espanol. – I don’t speak English.

Soy un turista - I am a tourist.

¿Cuánto es éste? – How much is this?
Era un placer de haberla conocido. - It was a pleasure to meet you

Here are a few more commonly used words:

Muchas gracias - Thank you very much!
Bienvenido – You’re welcome.
Adios – Goodbye.
Buenos dias/tardes - Good day/morning.
Encantado - Nice to meet you.
Con permiso - Excuse me.
Por favor – Please.

Uno - 1
Dos – 2
Tres – 3
Cuatro – 4
Cinco - 5
Seises - 6
Siete – 7
Ocho - 8
Nueve – 9
Diez – 10

Once you feel that you have grasped the basics of Spanish, use these Xpert tips to become as familiar with the language as possible:

Take a Crash Course
One of the most obvious ways of quickly learning a foreign language is to take a crash course. Foreign language crash courses, instead of focusing on improving your written skills, concentrate solely on helping you learn enough Spanish so that you are able to get along without feeling all at sea in a foreign land.

Rent a spanish movie with english subtitles
An excellent way to increase one’s familiarity with a foreign language is to watch a movie in that language with English subtitles translating what’s being said. Play the movie again and again, and you will start picking up newer words and expressions thereby enriching you vocabulary. Watching foreign movies will also help you get a grasp on the accent and the diction.

Instructional books, cds and tapes

You can also purchase instructional audio Cds and tapes that provide Spanish lessons. Record and store the lessons on your MP3 or mobile and listen to them wherever you are. One of the biggest advantages of trying to learn Spanish using an instructional audio CD is that you can then get to listen to the way a particular word is being pronounced. For example the Spanish word of dog is Perro, but its pronounced is Perrrro. As long as you don’t pick up the pronunciation, you will never be able to understand the finer nuances of Spanish.

If you are trying to learn Spanish from a book, read out loud and listen to your voice. Don’t try to first think of a sentence in English and then translate it in Spanish. The sentences in Spanish are constructed in very different way so direct translation will only hinder the speed of your progress. Instead of trying to translate, just speak out a sentence as you normally would.

Learning online
There are a number of websites that provide lessons in Spanish. Most of them will allow you to join for free and will also send you free daily or weekly newsletters with small Spanish lessons. Keep collecting these newsletters and get print outs. However, it’s so much better to a pay for a membership at one of these sites. Rocket Spanish ( is a site that I have personally greatly benefited from.

Carry an english/ spanish dictionary
Its extremely important to carry a bilingual dictionary while traveling in a foreign country. Though may you have a rudimentary knowledge of Spanish, there are still thousands of Spanish words whose meanings you may not know. So if you have to buy a packet of condoms in Mexico, just browse through the C section and you will get all the protection you need.

Spanish is a really beautiful language and is dramatic, expressive and emotional. Learning to speak fluently in Spanish will not just give you the confidence to converse fluently and easily with a native, but will also make it far easier for you to get accepted in their circle. You never know, your linguistic skills might assist you to seduce a beautiful chica!

How To Fold A Shirt

Step 1: Fold after ironing
For best results, begin folding immediately after ironing.

Step 2: Button
Lay the shirt on a flat surface.
Fasten every button on the shirt. Turn it over with the buttons facing down and smooth it out until it's perfectly flat.

Step 3: Fold one side
Fold one side of the shirt over towards the middle so there is a vertical fold that runs from the middle of the shoulder. Bring the sleeve over too.

Step 4: Fold the sleeve
Fold the sleeve back from the shoulder, then fold it the other way from about a third of the way down, and fold the cuff back again to create a concertina effect.

Step 5: Fold the other side
Now fold the other side of the shirt over to the middle and the sleeve back down over the folded part. The sleeve should be vertical with the cuff parallel to the bottom of the shirt.

Step 6: Fold the bottom up
Next, fold the bottom of the shirt over, together with the cuff towards the centre of the shirt so it reaches halfway up.
Then fold this bottom half over again so it reaches the collar.

How To Fold A Shirt

To reduce creasing, lay a sheet of tissue paper over the shirt before folding and fold as normal. This will cushion the folds to prevent the fabric from creasing.

How To Cope With Emotional Loss

Life is going just fine for you when all of a sudden, a heavy trough strikes and you’re plunged into a world that doesn’t seem too certain or too friendly. Whether it’s a divorce, a job loss or the death of a loved one – we often find ourselves incapable of dealing with the traumatic experience and go through various phases of depression or near-depression before time spreads its soothing balm over the wound.

After an emotional loss, a person goes through various stages of grief including denial, anger and a feeling of worthlessness. Read on for our Xpert tips on speeding up the process of emotional recovery.

Change your Self-Image
If who’ve been through a traumatic experience, you could be suffering from a low self-image. This could manifest itself in feelings of guilt, anger and bitterness. Or you could be telling yourself constantly that you are depressed.

Often, in trying to come up with an answer to ‘Why me?’ sufferers believe that they somehow deserve what they got—that they suffered because they were less worthy than the rest of mankind.

Replace the negative assertions with positive ones. Stop blaming yourself and give yourself the time and space to heal. Assure yourself over and over again until you believe it—that just because you have been through some rough times, you are not going to go down under.

Surround Yourself with Friends and Family
At the time of a traumatic experience, don’t shut other people out. Share your experience and your feelings with the people who are closest to you. Not only will talking about it help you recover, but feeling your family’s or your friends’ concern for you will strengthen your resolve to get on with your life.

Isolating yourself can only have negative effects. Of course, wanting to be by yourself sometimes is understandable, but at these times, go to a park and watch people or go for a long, soothing walk.

Don’t Shut Out the Feelings…or the Words
After a traumatic experience, a person could repress his feelings and go on denial. Men stand in greater danger of this than women, because men usually associate a show of feeling with weakness. In an effort to appear strong, are you bottling up your feelings and emotions? Because if you are, you are not allowing yourself to heal. The best way to tackle depression and trauma is to confront your feelings and express it.

Talk about your feelings. If you’ve always found solace in art, turn the negative energy into painting, poetry or music.

Involve Yourself with Others
Isolating yourself is the worst thing to do when you’ve just been through a traumatic experience. Socialize. Network with your old friends and make new ones.

Better still, find a group that you can volunteer with and throw yourself into bettering the lot of the needy.
As you spend time with people who are less privileged than you, you’ll begin to count your blessings and realize that in spite of all you’ve been through, it’s not the end of the road.

Join Support Groups
Join support groups held under the guidance of a trained supervisor. After all, you don’t want the group to degenerate into one long, never-ending pity party.

If a counselor is not able to guide you to one, join an online support group. Sharing your experience with those who’ve been through similar situations will assure you that you are not alone. Just the fact that there are other people out there, who know, understand and empathize with you, will assure you that what you are going through is normal.

Travel and See New Places
Let new, alluring experiences replace the old, sad ones. If you can afford it, visit an exotic place you’ve always wanted to. But don’t consciously do it with the intention of repressing the problem or running away from it. Do it because you see a way towards healing.

Do get the problem out of your system. But, if you still find yourself stuck in a rut, reliving the problem, a change of scene is likely to do you a world of good.

Take some time off to recuperate, meet new people and enjoy new cultures. Keep a journal and write about your feelings, the places you’ve been to, the people you’ve met. When you’re back from your hiatus, you’ll realize that the sharp edge of your pain has been dulled.

Exercises and Work-outs
Get into the discipline of exercising your body. Work out briskly. Exercise boosts endorphin levels and makes you feel lighter in your body and mind.

The sense of routine associated with the discipline of exercise will help bring back a semblance of normalcy into your life.

Give yourself a Deadline

Though it’s not very practical to set a fixed date for yourself to shake off your grief, it is still advisable to set a fixed period of time over which you think you’ll be able to recover. Give yourself a month or two and after that, promise yourself that you’re not going to indulge in self-pity. If you let your grief continue endlessly, it’ll invade your life and could cost you the support of your loved ones.

Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
Come what may, stay off alcohol and drugs when you’re depressed or down. While it may give you a temporary high, chances are that you’ll end up resorting to it oftener and oftener.

Research shows that men who have a history of substance abuse generally start off because of a setback.
Over time, any difficult situation is met with consumption of alcohol and drugs. As their bodies get more used to it, they have to take in larger quantities to sustain the high.

Be a man! Stand up and confront the problem instead of seeking to escape it.

Negative Generalizations
Often, sufferers come out with the feeling that they have learned a lesson. Sometimes, the ‘lesson’ could be healthy. But more often than not, the lesson is usually a warped judgment. “Never trust anybody”, “Women are always money-minded,” “ Avoid making friends with people from such and such a religion,” etc.

Healing from a traumatic experience is totally in your hands. If you set out on the road to recovery with determination, then nothing, but nothing can stop you from becoming a person who’s not only more mature and wise, but one who also has the experience of slaying his own dragons.

Caring For Your Watch

Caring For Your Watch

There are many things to consider while caring for your watch once it is out of the shelf and on your wrist.

· Always remember to keep your watch wrapped in soft cloth when storing it away.
· Clean your watch regularly by following the instructions provided in the instruction leaflet.
· Be careful not to handle it roughly. The watch might be tough but that does not mean you should handle it roughly. Your watch has the water resistance tag, but that doesn’t mean that you shower with it on.
· Try not to expose your watch to extreme temperatures. Extreme heat can shorten the battery life of your quartz watch, while extreme cold will literally freeze your watch.
· Try to keep it away from sudden shocks. Make sure you check how much shock your watch can withstand before buying it.
· Keep your watch away from chemicals. Chemicals could cause discoloration and corrosion of sensitive parts.
· Though household electronic and mechanical appliances do not affect your watch, try keeping it away from strong electric currents.

Convert Photos Into Posters

Posterize, King-size!

Imagine what your room could look like if your dull walls were decorated with giant versions of your favorite images? CHIP shows you how to make huge posters the ‘do-it-yourself’ way.

Using a basic free application called Posteriza, you can convert your favorite photos into posters to stick on your walls or even make wallpaper for your room. Download the software from or find it on the CHIP DVD and just run it (no installation needed). Some printers can do the same things Posteriza does, but what if you have a printer that cannot print one image in multiple tiles? All you need is a good borderless color printer for excellent results.

Step 1
Download the program to your computer and run it. On the first page (Text), enter text if you want your poster to have personalized text or uncheck it if you don’t need text at all. Click ‘Apply’ and then click on ‘Photo’.

Step 2
Click on ‘Open Image’ to choose the picture you want as a poster. Click on ‘More’ if you need to crop a particular part of the image for the poster. Click on ‘Apply’ and then on ‘Border’.

Step 3
If you need a border for your poster, then click the ‘With border’ option and choose the border lines of your choice. Check the ‘Show header…’ and ‘Show cut lines’ options if you need each page printed with cut lines and page numbers. Click on ‘Apply’ and then on ‘Size’.

Step 4
Choose the width and depth of the poster to be printed. This is the section where you choose how large your poster should be. Then choose the paper size, center the poster, configure the printer for printing and click ‘Apply’. Finally, print your poster or save the file for printing later or at another location if you do not have a borderless color printer.

Step 5
After printing, assemble all the pages, cut them along the cut lines, and paste them together. Use sticky tape to secure the pages permanently if needed or simply paste the entire poster onto a large cardboard sheet. Your poster is now ready to be mounted on your wall or door.

Now that you know how to make a poster from your pictures, there are some points that you need to remember before printing your pictures. Make sure the photos that you use are in JPEG format, and are of high resolution and dpi. You might need help while pasting the prints together if you are printing large posters.

NOTE: Printing posters in this manner might be quite expensive. There are other programs available on the Internet that can carry out the same functions, but might not be free to use

Dealing With Her Ultimatums

No matter how adjusting your spouse or girlfriend is, it’s only natural for she will want things her way now and then. Although, it’s ok to let woman have their way at times, you know she’s crossing the line when she’s resorts to the ultimate in relationship weapon - the ultimatum.

This is when you face the patented female cry of, "or else", the most. She might threaten to leave you or to just make your life miserable; either way, there are a few tactics that can help you out when dealing with ultimatums. Sure you can snub her but ignore these only if you are willing to listen to her countless banter during the India-Australia finals.

These tactics are especially useful if you judge your situation correctly and react accordingly. Read the Xperts view and to get prepared for just about anything she can throw your way, and how you can diffuse an otherwise no-win situation. While you might not get these exact bombs thrown your way, this Xpert’s guide can help you categorize what she wants and what to do when dealing with ultimatums.

Ultimatum no. 1
“You spend too much time with your friends, stop-it, or else we’re spending more time with my family.”

Xpert tactic: Deflect the threat

If the request is outrageous, it's fine to turn-tables and send the ultimatum back at her. If she says, “if you loved me you wouldn't go out with the friends tonight,” your can respond by saying, "if you loved me you wouldn’t stop me from having a personal life” or “if you loved me you wouldn’t be afraid of me having a social life." It’s a good idea to make your girl see the situation if she’s in it. No woman can expect complete compliance when she's asking you to change, so when you rework her ultimatum into a response that focuses on her, she'll understand how the situation might really be about her and not you. Granted, your approach will have to be gentler than what’s presented, but you get the general idea.

Ultimatum no. 2
“We don’t talk about our relationship ever, this way our relationship is going to end.”

Xpert tactic: Comply with it

This is quiet a serious ultimatum in any relationship and can definitely spell relationship-disaster if you don't play your cards right. Since she’s not being unreasonable and it does not require you to go out of your way than normal relationship behavior, it’s ok in-this-case to do as she asks (read requests). You should realize that you can get away with upping your communication level only slightly and she'll still be receptive. She might even feel a compelling bond between the two of you and consequently be sexier in bed.

Ultimatum no. 3
"My family insists I marry someone that’s the same religion, so you have to convert or we can’t get married."

Xpert tactic: Rationalize with her

It may be a good idea to first weigh your own priorities. If the issue matters to her more, and not so much of a big-deal for you than comply with her as it may be a sincere request disguised as an ultimatum. However, if you are truly opposed to what she wants from you, it's time to take out your thinking cap. The best thing to do when dealing with ultimatums of this sort is to explain the reasons behind your opinion and have a discussion about why her issue isn't a possibility for you right now -- or ever. Since there are other parties involved, it may require you to reason with them as well as these types of requests are touchy and emotional, a simple “no” won't suffice; she's going to need solid reasoning for your refusal.

Ultimatum no. 4
“If you don't help fold your clothes and keep them back in the closet the 'right' way, I'm going to stop doing it all together.”

Xpert tactic: Ignore it

Just because she drops the “my way or the highway” bomb, doesn't mean you have to react and get into an argument. If her request is not relationship threatening and is really a minor threat, she's probably trying to work out another relationship issue by baiting you.

Xpert Warning: Only use this tactic when dealing with ultimatums that are of the” take out the trash” sorts.

Ultimatum no. 5
“You never show any affection towards me in public or in front of your friends. Do it, or else, no more night-out with guys for you.”

Xpert tactic: Compromise with her

Since she’s requesting a change of behavior from you, this is something of importance to her, so be prepared to cut a deal. Compromising with your girl shows her, that you value her point of view, but it also lets you retain your own self respect (read ego), without completely caving in. Since this ultimatum is a fairly grave one, and since you might not be comfortable showing your affections in public, it’s important to take the time to discuss when PDAs (public-display-of-affection) are and aren't acceptable. For example, you can reach a middle ground by agreeing to hold her hand when going to the mall, and she behaves when you're out with your buddies.

Ultimatum no. 6
“We hardly spend any time together and you don’t call me enough anymore; I’m not having sex with you.”

Response tactic: Empathize with her

A true Xpert knows that if an upset or angry woman is throwing ultimatums at you, she’s probably feeling frustrated in other areas in her life. What she’s really after is the feeling of emotional power from the safest source she can get it from - you - and the bonus benefit of your love & care. If her demanding and irrational behavior is obviously a result of tension elsewhere in her life and isn't really a valid reflection of the problems in your relationship, try setting the ultimatum aside and get to the root of her insecurities. As an example, she might be feeling isolated from her family or her best friend and is now looking towards you to fill a void.

Ultimatum no. 7
“You have six months to propose marriage, or I’m finding someone who will.”

Response tactic: Refuse to cave

An ultimatum forces a decision, whether you're ready for it or not. If you don't want to play games with your woman or are tired of repetitive threats, call her bluff and let her follow through with her “or else.” If she has announced that she'll leave you if you don't propose by your next anniversary, let her. She'll no doubt come back to reality pretty quickly when she realized that her plan isn't going to work.

Handling her threats Xpertly
Your woman’s ultimatums can make you feel as though you’re being pinned into a corner and they can put you on the defensive, which, of course, isn't going to make for a solid relationship. It's important to remember that not all ultimatums are created equal and, therefore, you can't respond the same way each time. When your girlfriend uses threats to get her way, the ball is in your court and the only thing you can control is your reaction. Knowing when to fight and when to go with the flow is the most vital ultimatum skill.

ps vs xbox

Being a video game developer (I develop for both, Playstation 3 and XBOX 360) people ask me almost daily which platform I think is better. These are my personal feelings, in no way does this reflect my employer.

Short answer: XBOX 360.

Long answer: Price, performance, visual quality, game selection and online support. I think the XBOX 360 wins in every category.

Price: This is obvious; the XBOX 360 core is only $299. The PS3 is around $499 for the 20GB version. It comes with a hard drive, but you don’t need a hard drive to enjoy a lot of great games on the 360 so I think it’s fair to compare both core systems.

Performance: On paper, the PS3 is more powerful. In reality, it’s quite inferior to the 360. Without getting into too many details, the three general-purpose CPU’s the xbox360 has are currently FAR easier to take advantage of than the SPU’s on the PS3. I suspect a few years down the road some high budget, first party PS3 exclusive titles will come out that really take advantage of the SPU’s and do things the XBOX 360 can’t, but I don’t think the console is worth buying based on this speculation (for some it will be though, we'll have to wait and see how these games turn out).

Graphics: The XBOX 360 is a clear winner. The GPU is more powerful. It has more powerful fillrate, and far more pixel and vertex processing horsepower. Part of the reason is their choice of memory, and architecture of pixel and vertex procesing. I can’t get into details but the same vertex shader will run much slower on the PS3 than the XBOX 360. The 360 also has a clever new way rendering high definition anti aliased back buffers. To accomplish the same effect on PS3 is prohibitively expensive. For this reason I think many games will have no choice but to run in non-HD resolutions on the PS3 version, use a lower quality anti aliasing technique, or do back buffer upscaling. The end result in all cases is going to be noticeably worse image quality.

Game Selection: The XBOX 360 has a huge head start here. 1 year is an eternity in gaming. Almost all multi-platform developers have made the XBOX 360 their primary platform due to timing of release-to-market, this means the games will look and perform better on the 360. The PS3 versions will be ports of the 360 versions. (The opposite was true for XBOX 1 vs. PS2). The XBOX 360 is also far faster to develop for due to better development tools (massively popular Visual Studio .NET vs. proprietary, buggy PS3 compiler and debugger), better documentation, and easier architecture (3 general purpose CPU’s vs. 8 specialized processors that require DMA). Timing has also caused all next-gen middleware developers to make XBOX 360 their primary platform, and they will ‘add ps3 support’ as needed. This support will probably be inferior to the XBOX 360’s due to manpower and more importantly, demand. It’s this catch-22 now that will continue to drive the 360 forward and hold PS3 back.

The other obvious point here is that right now the Xbox360 already has a very impressive line-up of titles on store shelves; the ps3 just launched, and has virtually nothing of interest. Also, many 360 games are already discounted. PS3 games are all full price since it just launched.

Live: Microsoft’s online support with XBOX1 was phenomenal. They built in-house experience, user base, facilities, $$ commitment from executive level (since it proved successful), and most importantly, feedback from 100,000s of XBOX Live subscribers. Playstation 2’s online support sucked. They are now playing catch-up, trying to emulate Xbox’s model. But they had their hands tied just trying to make the PS3 work, it was incredibly ambitious (blu-ray etc.). I haven’t seen it yet, but I seriously doubt the quality will be anywhere to the level of XBOX 360.

HD Content: The PS3 comes with one built in (blu-ray). The XBOX 360 offers HD-DVD as an add-on for $200. You probably don’t care about HD-DVD right now. But you will soon (The quality between DVD and HD is comparable to VHS vs DVD, if you have the right TV) so I suggest paying attention to the war that’s begun. There are two formats: HD-DVD and BLU-RAY. Basically if you rent a BLU-RAY DVD from Bockbuster, it won’t play in your XBOX 360 HD-DVD, and vice versa with the PS3. The implications of this format war would require another article on its own. But as far as the consoles are concerned, the XBOX 360 wins because the DVD player is a separate unit. Playing movies is very taxing on the DVD reader, and let’s face it. In 3 years when your PS3 DVD drive goes out due to playing lots of movies (PS2 was notoriously bad about this) you will have to go buy another PS3. With the 360, you’ll just chuck your HD-DVD player, and go buy another one at the store. In 3 years standalone units wlil probably only cost about $99-150. Another point for the XBOX 360, is that I don’t know who will win the format-war, so I would rather wait with purchase of a HD player. The PS3 doesn’t give you this option.

PS3 controversy: Shootings, Wallmart fights, $15,000 Ebay sales etc. My advice is ignore it. It will pass soon.

Getting Rid Of Bad Breath

“Halitosis” is the medical term used for bad breath that comes out of your mouth and nose. It is a fairly common problem and once you realize that you have bad breath; it can lead to embarrassment, social anxiety, or even isolation in worst case scenarios.

It’s hard to identify if you are suffering from bad breath or not all by yourself. Usually it’s your friends, family members, or colleagues who notice it at the first place. Generally people remain ignorant of the fact that they have bad breath until a person who means a lot points it out. Once they know, you can start expecting weird or conscious behavior from them including checking their breath continuously, staying too far away while speaking, etc.

What causes bad breath?

o Poor oral hygiene tops the list of the causes of bad breath. The bacteria in your mouth break down proteins in food which releases sulphur compounds and it’s these compounds that cause the smell.

o In many cases it’s caused by illness, especially ones related to throat and tonsils.

o Many believe that it can be caused due to indigestion.

o Eating a lot of food containing garlic, onions and spices can cause temporary bad breath, which is often referred as morning breath.

o Excessive drinking and smoking can cause persistent bad breath.

o The ones afflicted by gum diseases and dental decay are on a higher risk of having bad breath.

o If you have healthy teeth and gums then it’s the collection of bacteria at the back of your tongue that is causing bad breath.

o Those who have chronic sinus infection or post-nasal drip are at a higher risk of having bad breath.

o Too much stress or lack of exercise and not drinking sufficient amount of water during the day also contributes to bad breath.

What can you do to stop it?
What you can do is try and refrain from eating smelly, sugary, and spicy food too often. Moreover, you should stop smoking, drink less alcohol and caffeine. Drinking at least 2 litres of water per day has proven to be beneficial in stopping bad breath problems. Along with all that, do the following to improve your overall oral hygiene:

o Go to your dentist for regular dental check-ups.

o Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.

o Always use a non-alcoholic based mouthwash.

o Use a tongue scraper to remove the collection of bacteria from the back of the tongue.

o Try and identify the area that’s causing the bad breath. For instance, is it your throat, tonsils, sinuses, etc? You need to identify and take adequate measures to solve the issue.

o If it is not possible for you to clean your teeth after every meal then chewing sugar-free gum can solve the problem, but it only works for a short span of time.

o You can keep a mouth-freshener spray with you all the time to temporarily mask the problem.

However, if the bad breath persists even after trying all the above measures then you must consult a dentist for further treatment. A dentist usually does the following:

o He would firstly discuss your eating habits, health history, special circumstances, and other preliminary information.

o He may test concentration of sulfides in the breath using a clinical device called the halimeter.

o Assess your specific area of problem.

o The dentist will possibly test with bad breath detective kit.

o He would than train you in using the oxygenating formulas that are to be applied on your particular area of problem.

o At last he would re-test with the halimiter or bad breath detective, which will show you the reduction in your VSC levels.

Things That Make Her Insecure While Dating

Wonder why your girlfriend is so insecure about your relationship? Although the intensity may differ from person to person, still, most women, no matter how they present themselves to the outside world, have a few nagging insecurities deep down their minds -- especially when it comes to relationship. In fact, why just women, men too ‘suffer’ from it. But let me tell you, these insecurities don’t pop up in thin air. There are always ‘reasons’ and ‘factors’ behind them. Let’s dig ‘em out:

She Feels: You're cheating on her

Ask yourself this question - what is she insecure about? Have you given her a reason by cheating in the past? If that's the case, I’d be hard-pressed to say that she's not being irrational. If that's not the case, however, you have to discuss the issue head on and let her know that you are committed and have no intention of cheating. And yes, talking too much about ex girlfriends also can make her insecure as she might think you may get back to them.

She Feels: She's not satisfying you in bed

Just like men, women have a lot of performance anxiety in the bedroom. So if things are going well in that department, make sure to let her know. If not, however, be sure to address the issue in the most sensitive manner possible. For example, don’t tell her, "I don't like the way you..." Instead, tell her, “Let’s try it this way..." Talking is the ultimate cure for sexual insecurities.

She Feels: All you want is sex

I know it is a two edged sword for you: if you make a move too soon, she thinks, all you want is to sleep with her. If you take your time and are waiting for her to make a move, she thinks, you are not attracted to her or you just want to be friends. Now men may throw their hands off and yell on this kind of a behavior but dear, the best way to solve this problem is to just being sincere. If you really are attracted to her and are looking forward for a relationship with her, just let her know! From there, she'll give you the signals to let you know when she's ready to get cozy with you.

She Feels: You're not attracted to her anymore

No matter how confident and positive a woman is in her life otherwise, when it comes to relationships, she’d always need the affirmation that you are genuinely interested in her and are not just fooling around. If she thinks in her mind that you are loosing interest or are not serious about her anymore, then there’ll be some underlying reasons for her to believe so. Think about it… And if its been some time that you both are together, then it’s only fair that to let her know what she means to you.

She Feels: You might not call her after the date

Keeping up the promise is the first step to building a woman's trust. So if you say you are going to call her on Thursday, call her on Thursday itself. If that's not your style, though, or you'd like to keep a little mystery, just don't be definite about when you'll be calling. It's better than breaking a promise and at least she won't be waiting by the phone on a particular day.

She Feels: Another woman is stealing your attention

I know, being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you’d even stop ‘appreciating beauty’. But if you do that in front of your woman, then mister, you’re inviting trouble. She might pretend that she’s okay with you discussing or eying other women but deep down her psyche, she’s multiplying her insecurities. There is nothing wrong with harmless flirting -- but when you're with her, she deserves all your attention. You can flirt in your own time!

You might be doing things unknowingly, after all it’s a man thing to check out the hottie next door, but these send wrong signals to your girlfriend. No wonder she’s turned in to a cribbing vixen! The above tips should help you deal with the situation. Best approach is to openly talk to her and handle her care while doing so!

Why Women Dislike Mamas Boys

It’s good to be caring and respectful towards one’s parents. In fact, it is often said that a man will treat his woman with love and respect if he treats his mother similarly. Hence when a man loves his mother and has a secure and close relationship with her that means its good news for the wife or girlfriend.

But the trouble starts when the relationship is well a little ‘too close’ for comfort of the woman. When the woman who rocked your cradle, starts to rule your life, that’s when you turn out to be, what is sardonically referred to as a ‘mama’s boy’. A mama’s boy follows his mother’s words as law and often would ask his wife to ‘compromise’. This kind of a behavior could be out of filial duty or because of his mistaken sense of obligation. Whatever is the motivation, it is a sure way of damaging a prospective relationship.

So why it is that women just don’t like mama’s boys?

The Other Woman

A relationship is about two individuals exploring the potentiality of love, warmth and togetherness. The problem starts when it is not just about two individuals but a third entity, his mother. Yeah, maybe not an immediate crisis but things get build up eventually in this case and danger is always hovering on the horizon! In such a scenario the third person, that too, an intrusive one makes the relationship face a lot of stifle.

Not Good Enough For Him

When the mother-in-law of a woman is too much in the picture, it can make the latter feel like she isn't doing a good job at keeping her man happy. If a woman is sharing her life with a man, she’d want to be the woman in his life. She’d not like to be compared to his mother all the time or would not like to hear that she can't cook or can't do things as well as their lover's mother.

No Privacy

Oftentimes the mama’s boy talks about intimate issues to his mother, so when his partner finds out that the man is childishly talking / complaining about the problems between them, she feels betrayed. Whatever is the problem in your relationship should remain between you two only. It’s simply revolting and unethical to go and tell all to your mother like a five year old school kid.

Her Wish Is His Command

A mama’s boy will do everything to follow his mother’s bidding, to an extent that he can even neglect his wife or children. This is often very insensitive and hurtful, especially when it starts to disturb your togetherness. And what is more annoying to the wife/partner is the way the mother takes it for granted that her every wish will be followed to the letter and at times even boasts about this thing in front of the wife!

God Mother

When significant decisions have to be made, like financial issues, his mother’s opinion is sought, and more often than not, she has the ultimate say. No woman likes to have her partner’s mother decide about how much you should spend on leisure each month or have too much of an opinion on everything from housekeeping to where the two of you should holiday.

Emotional Blackmail

There are some men who succumb to the emotional pleas (read blackmailing) of their mothers. “You don’t enjoy my company now because I have become old now na?” followed by a deep sigh of sorrow… is the pet dialogue. This is because she feels excluded even jealous now that her boy is not exclusively hers. And what is even more annoying is that the husband will refuse to acknowledge that she’s just playing with his feelings and in the process interfering in your life.

Your Woman Feels like The Second Fiddle

You might think that you have been the “Good Beta” but for your woman it might seem that your mother’s needs are given more importance and your woman is frigging supposed to ‘understand’ and again compromise. But ultimately, every woman in a relationship would like to be top priority in her man’s life and the mama’s boy doesn’t make room for this need. For him, his mother is the center of his universe.

Your Woman Feels Like A House Maid

In most modern homes in India, both the partners share household chores. It is because most women are working and they expect their husbands to help them out. A mama’s boy is so much used to being pamperred and mollycoddled by her mother that he won’t move his fat ass to pour himself a glass of water.

Get Her To Dump You

You have come to believe that the girl you are dating is not your type and that you are very much out of the infatuation phase. Now that you have spent some time with her, you suppose it will split her heart into two if you put across your idea of breaking up with her. So, you are now in a fix. Why not do just the opposite? Make her dump you instead.

Read on to know what all you could do to make her irritated, agitated and prepare her for the road to splitsville.

Be Ultra-possessive

Don’t even let her breathe…! No, I don’t mean literally. Demand to know her whereabouts, with whom she’s talking, when she eats, sleeps (what’s in her dreams!), wakes up etc. Hack her email! Accuse her for cheating on you. Act like a paranoid. Blame her for making you feel miserable. You will see, the poor girl will gasp for air and dump you like anyone would dump such a whiny leech!

Act like a Pig!

Forget all your manners. Be as messy as you can… even think messy, will you? Eat like a glutton in an up-market restaurant. Embarrass her where ever you go with her. Dress like a total dirt, buy an oderant, and if you are really desperate, stop taking showers.

Be Annoying

Make her fume with your jerk like behavior. Repeatedly do all those things that irritate her- don’t answer her calls, be forgetful, don’t pay attention while she’s talking to you… you know the list.

Be Boring

Stop using your sense of humor and wit and going out together will become increasingly depressing for the both of you. If she stops enjoying the time she spends with you, her interest in you will start to dwindle.

Flirt with other girls

Letch on other girls while you are with her. Act suspicious all the time. You could also talk about your ex-girlfriend and mention you had some good time with her. She will surely turn her face away from you.

Be Non-committal

Make her wait for hours in a restaurant and then cancel it. Don’t make any firm plans with her. Doing this consistently is being both rude while making a strong strong statement that you’re not that into her -- but I guess that’s exactly what you’re aiming for.

A word of Caution!

Always remember that you are dealing with someone’s heart and that a heart is very fragile. Instead of cheating on her (which can give you a really bad reputation) just try telling her: "I don't see our relationship going any further" and/or "I'm not happy in our relationship", ending the sentence with the ever reliable "its not you, it me..." suffix. Breaking up gracefully is always better that projecting you as a cheater or acting like a pig.

Things Men Do To Make Women Think They're a Pervert

Hang on, boys. Don't get all defensive - I'm not here to point fingers and call you all out as a slobbering, drooling, certified sadak chaap perverts. I'm just trying to open your eyes to some usually well-meant and harmless behaviors even the most well-intentioned guys sometimes do. Why? Because although I know you mean well, our perception outweighs your intent. And you don't want to be perceived as a pervert, creep or loser, do you? This is inside information, just for you.

1. Accidental Breast Touch:
Accidental Breast Touch can be written off as an accident - provided it doesn't linger - but what I’m reffering to means you're just trying to cop a feel. And hope I will write it off as another "accident", or that my breast-based nerve cells and unsophisticated girl brain are not receptive to your stealthy, ninja-like boob brush. Rendering me oblivious while you get your jollies. Which isn't the case, perv.

This actually happened to me recently. While talking to a family friend at a family function, he "accidentally" touched my left breast... four times. That's right: Four. Times. Was he thinking because I didn't smack him into next Thursday that it was ok? (And the only reason I didn't was because my 17 year-old cousin was standing right there. Another sign of how unbelievably nervy and pervy this guy was.) The first one, like I said above, was written off as unintentional, a function of his enthusiastic storytelling. But after the third swipe I started to think: maybe my family needs some new friends. I know some of us cannot talk without using our hands (guilty), but remember that it might be best to keep things in close proximity when there are breasts around.

If you're looking to make a move, or gauge a girl's interest, a light touch on the shoulder or elbow is much sexier, and it won't get you labeled a degenerate, let alone get you behind the bars.

2. Broadcasting Your Love of Porn:
Examples: Having the Playboy logo proudly displayed anywhere on your car (or worse, on a shirt or around your neck), leaving your magazine collection sprawled out on the coffee table when you know I'm coming over, or having your computer's desktop be a shrine to the "online pornography". I have no objection to you being a fan of the magazine, and hell, I like to look at pretty naked girls just as much as the next person, but how about stashing them in a drawer when you know I'll be around? Catching a peek of them in that drawer might even be a little bit sexy in my eyes - you never know. But always remember: Being surrounded by beautiful women makes a man look hot, but being surrounded by pictures of beautiful women who don't even know he exists, makes him look like a loser.

3. The Creepy Across-the-Bar Stare:
Every girl likes when a man notices her across a crowded bar, but eying me for longer than five seconds prior to striking up a conversation will just creep me out. Five seconds says you're gathering courage or the right opening line, but after six seconds it just tells me you're undressing me with your eyes, which is downright creepy. Think about it this way, boys: How many times have you had some drunk woman do this to you at a club? Sure, it can be a little ego-boosting at first, but you know damn well that after a certain amount of her staring without speaking, it gets a little weird. And you start checking to make sure your fly is up or if there beer dribbling down your chin. Maybe your man-meter says 10 seconds of staring at a woman lets her know you're interested, but the woman-meter says you'd better start taking before our clock ticks six.

4. Going to the gym or appearing in public wearing anything leopard/cheetah print, a headband, or - good heavens - dressing like circuit from munnabhai:
You're an urban, sophisticated man. You are not allowed to own or wear these things unless you feel dressing up like the bollywood mawali is the way to score girls. (I'm not even going to get into the bushy mustache and gold chain.) And mawalis aren't guys most women want to date. I've never looked at a road-side romeo and thought: Mmmm, yummy. And men who try to look like them just make me sad. Please, please don't be "that guy". And please, please don't come up and talk to me.

5. Bringing up your sexual escapades, or asking about mine, within 24 hours of meeting me:
Say you and I are having a nice first date dinner at a fancy restaurant. We've made the small talk, you've told me I look great (which is a must, by the way), and our drinks have just arrived. After taking a thoughtful sip of wine, you look deep into my eyes and say "So. Do you like it from behind or do you need to see the guy's face the whole time?"
Yes, I know by this point you guys are thinking about what sex with us would be like, and yes we're curious about you too. But you won't make it to dessert - let alone the bedroom - if you decide it should be one of our first conversations. Your best bet is to wait until we've had a few dates. but who knows, you may get lucky and I may bring it up myself sooner than you think. The key here, boys, is patience.

6. Following me on a bike or car and asking me if I need a ‘lift’:
Now guys, there is enough eve-teasing/ rapes happening in this city for me or any girl to be silly enough to take a ride from a complete stranger. There is absolutely no way some strange guy invitingme inside his car isn't going to come off as a weirdo. No matter how noble he thinks his intentions are. Instead, be the guy behind the creep, giving me an "please maam, don’t take a lift - it’s not safe" look when this is all going on. That guy is my hero of the hour, he totally gets that there's a perv on his wheels hovering around.

7. Coming off like you've never seen a real, live woman before:
This is a classic case of a poorly executed compliment. Say you and I are standing in line next to each other at a coffee shop. You think I look gorgeous, so you look me up and down, then mutter "Wow." Although I get the point that you like how I look (which, I'm assuming, was your intention), I'm feeling around in my purse for my pepper spray. Just in case your next line is something like, "I've seen pictures of pretty girls before, but never one in person." This is another situation where you want to be the guy in line behind the "Wow Guy", giving me a knowing look and maybe even a wink. I'm much more likely to give that guy my number in return.

What muttering some word of amazement also says to me is you don't have the social skills - or the man-stones - to actually give a girl a real compliment. Or, more chillingly, that, in your creepy little mind, you fail to realize that I am, in actuality, standing next to you, instead of just being a jpg on your computer screen, as would be the usual way you see women.

Famous International Cheaters

Cheating Lessons From Famous International Cheaters

Getting caught cheating will surely earn you four slashed tires and a drained bank account. If you must cheat, learn the fine art from some of the most high profile wandering gentlemen and how they pulled off their infidelities. Marriage - and balls - intact.

Sometimes in life, our lower halves overrides our brains and we end up sampling things we shouldn't, and in the process hurting our better halves. And I'm not trying to imply straying once in a while is ok - I think cheating is a bad move and would undoubtedly unleash "the fury for which hell hath no" on any man who betrayed me. But apparently not every woman feels the same way.

While I'd like to tell you that getting caught cheating will surely earn you four slashed tires, possessions strewn across your front lawn, and a drained bank account, I cannot. What I can do is show you some of the most high profile wandering gentlemen and how they pulled off their infidelities. Marriage - and balls - intact. Why? To give hope to doghoused cheaters everywhere. And because I'm just as flat-out amazed by these guys.


What Bill did: Took the term "Executive Privilege" to new heights by receiving blow jobs from chunky White House intern Monica Lewinsky, while serving as President of the United States and Leader of the Free World. Which he promptly lied about. Then causing the entire world to be creeped-out when the details were finally released. Not a very smooth move by Mr. Bill. He lied to Hillary also at first, then the morning he had to testify he confessed the whole thing, making her realize that she'd been sticking up for a liar. Publicly. Big, global story. Unimaginable public humiliation for Hillary. But did she leave him? Nope.

Why Hillary forgave him: In her 2003 memoir, she would attribute her decision to stay married to love: "No one understands me better and no one can make me laugh the way Bill does. Even after all these years, he is still the most interesting, energizing and fully alive person I have ever met."

Bill's Secret: He cheated on someone who is more rational and better at thinking things through than he is. And loads of charisma doesn't hurt.


What Kobe did: "Sexually assaulted" (more like "hooked-up with" if you ask me), 19 year-old Katelyn Faber, an employee of the Colorado hotel where he was staying. After accusing Bryant of sexual assault, Faber later refused to testify and all charges were dropped. Big national story, press conference confession of adultery by Kobe, lots of public humiliation for his wife Vanessa. Deep shit, right? Wrong!

Why Vanessa forgave him: Mrs. Bryant issued a statement saying her beloved husband "has made a mistake -- the mistake of adultery... I know that he did not commit a crime, he did not assault anyone. He is a loving and kind husband and father. I believe in his innocence." A very sweet and very supportive statement from a loving wife. Wearing the $4 million, eight carat, purple diamond ring she just received from her adulterous husband.

Kobe's Secret: Knowing when a lady can be bought. And having the millions to do it.


What Jesse did: Cheated on his wife for four years, producing an out-of-wedlock (I won't say "bastard"), baby in 1999. He even used his charity's (tax exempt!) funds to move her ass out to CA. All the way out to CA, that is. For a man who uses "Reverend" instead of "Mr.", this is not exactly divine behavior. And Mrs. Cheating Reverend Jesse Jackson? Did she demand an eye for an eye and get to know one of Jesse's flock "in the biblical sense"? Not at all.

Why Jackie forgave him: He righted his funding wrong, and apologized to Jackie, their children, and thousands of parishioners publicly at a church. And continued to pray for and ask the public for forgiveness.

Jesse's secret: Actual, genuine remorse. Preach, Jesse, preach!


What Ozzy did: Cheated on Sharon constantly for the first four years of their marriage - including getting freaky with the nanny the night their son Jack was born. How fatherly. You'd think there would be some security in marrying someone as weird-looking as Ozzy, but... guess not!

Why Sharon forgave him: She blamed it on his drug and alcohol abuse - but not before she made him believe his cheating had earned him a case of AIDS. That's right, she set up a hoax AIDS test to scare Mini Ozzy back into his pants forever. Forgiveness? More like reigning by terror.

Ozzy's Secret: The old "alcohol and drugs made me do it" gambit. And then staying faithful. You don't want to piss off a lady who would make her own husband think he'd contracted a deadly virus.


What Becks did: Allegedly hit the sheets with his personal assistant, Rebecca Loos, at least four times in 2004 while his wife Victoria was traveling in another country. Not to mention engaging in lots of phone sex and raunchy text messages. Big, hot, celebrity sex scandal with tabloids on at least two continents descending like wolves - how fun for Victoria and the kids!

Why Victoria forgave him: Victoria recently told the New Zealand edition of Stuff Magazine that it was the roughest point in their marriage, but it actually ended up making their marriage stronger. (((WOW))). No indication that he apologized, admitted it... or anything. But somehow he came out on top. Maybe he just took off his shirt and smiled at her?

David's secret: Being an international sports star - with a mega-mill contract to match. And looking exactly like David Beckham.

Guide to Personality Transformation.

Do you have traits that you wish you could change? Are you plagued by the feeling of being born with certain personality traits that can’t be changed? Then it’s time to re-evaluate your assumptions, because we tell you how you can change the unhealthy aspects of your personality. Negative traits may be the result of a childhood abuse, trauma or a response to a severe stress in your environment. But, if you are aware of the negative traits and the harm they cause, then you are already halfway towards ridding yourself from their deleterious effects.

Check out this list to see which of these unhealthy traits you possess and try implementing the tips to become a well- rounded personality. We’ve only listed the more common negative traits found in people. If it’s a specific problem that you want to address and that is not as common as the following, then we advise that you seek professional help.

1. Hair Trigger Temper
Are you the kind of person who is always yelling at waiters, abusing other drivers on the road and swearing at people? Are your friends constantly walking on eggshells because they are scared of setting off that notorious temper of yours? If so, try these tips.

Meditation helps calm anger and controls your mind. So begin practising meditation. This may be tough for some, but you could begin by emptying your mind of all thoughts for five minutes. Gradually build up the duration and you will find that you are able to deal with daily frustrations much better. Don’t dwell on the negative, and when you know certain things set you off, find a solution for them.

Of course, if the problem is deep rooted, it is best to go in for counselling. The professional help will help you dig to the root of the cause and eliminate it.

2. You Are a Doormat
You can never say “no”, even if what the person is asking is infringing on your time, money, and space. You allow people to encroach on your needs, and bend backwards to make sure you keep everyone happy, regardless of whether what they’re asking of you makes you happy.

This is a classic case of needing others to validate your self- image. Firstly, practise saying no! Begin small by refusing to give time to the annoying calls offering you loans. Then, begin with close friends. At first it might surprise people who always took your agreeability for granted, but this also gives you a chance to assess who your true friends are. Question the motive of those who are suddenly being very friendly towards you. This does not mean you should become paranoid and suspicious, but be aware and stop letting others take you for granted.

3. You’re a Wallflower!
If you get immensely stressed by the thought of attending an office party, or meeting a stranger, or having a conversation on the phone with someone you don’t know very well, then you need to work on being less shy. Being extremely shy could also mean you don’t even voice your point of view in a discussion, because it is too strenuous a task for you.

The best thing to do in a case like this is to slowly tackle what you fear most. If your biggest fear is a room full of strangers in a party, go to a sit-down dinner for four where you don’t know anyone, except the host. Begin a conversation with a person who seems the friendliest of the lot to bolster your confidence. Continue maintaining contact with him if you find him interesting and you might end up being friends for life. Start small, and build your confidence as you grow.

4. The Truth is Out There!

No. We’re not talking X-files here, but paranoia. If you’re always worrying about getting fired because your boss didn’t wish you good morning, or think that your friend hates you because he forgot to invite you along for his camping trip, then you are overly paranoid. People like these never see the good side of things and always worry about the next big disaster that’s going to make their lives troublesome.

Remind yourself everyday of the harmful effects of stress. If you don’t know much, read books that not only tell you about it but also tell you how to deal with it. Whenever there is a problem or worry that is taking over your mental peace, immediately determine whether it has any basis. If it does, consider how it can be solved. If it is not in your control, realize that you cannot determine the result, and stop worrying.

While changing yourself isn’t the easiest thing in the world, it certainly helps you to grow as an individual. Don’t expect immediate results. Tell your close friends and family about what you’re trying to do and ask them to remind you each time you slip. The constant check will train your mind to accept the trait as negative. Over time you’ll notice that the negative trait has disappeared. Taking charge of your mental health will make sure that your dream vision of an ideal you is closer.

How To Keep Your Skin Healthy

Ever wondered why a woman’s bathroom cabinet is spilling over with a zillion lotions and potions and gels and tubes and jars, all containing colorful magic substances and having names that are all a vital part of her hour-long beauty regime? Well, if she can end up looking good even after using all of that, then she must be doing something right and is not merely acting like a product-consuming maniac.

Skin problems are not unique to females. The difference is that they take care of their skin while we men are just too darn lazy to bother with our own. So, unless you’re happy with your zit-ridden or blackhead-speckled skin, follow this Xpert daily regime for skincare to attain skin that not only looks healthy but feels healthy too.


Keep your soap bar strictly for your body which needs all the harshness of the detergents to get rid of dirt and germs. When it comes to your face, you need to go gentle and that’s what a facial cleanser does. It is specifically designed for the skin on your face, thus making it free of harmful substances such as detergents, soaps and fragrances. A good cleanser foams and washes away dirt without ridding the skin of its natural oils. Use twice a day - before shaving and before sleeping at night. Cleansing your face before going to bed is essential as the skin goes into restoration mode in the night. There are two types of cleansers - foaming cleansers and cream cleansers. Foaming cleansers are great for removing excess oils while cream ones get rid of only dirt and are good for dry skin.

It’s not over yet. If you think that by getting rid of the dirt on your face you’ll be beaming with natural radiance, you couldn’t be more mistaken. The skin’s surface builds-up a superficial layer of dead skin cells that make your skin look dull and lifeless. With exfoliation, the dead cells are gently removed and it helps the skin to absorb external nutrients that leads to healthy-looking skin. For sensitive skin, use non-abrasive formulas. Do not use your body scrub on your face and never exfoliate the immediate area surrounding your eye as a scrub is too harsh for the delicate skin around the eyes. An exfoliating scrub with fine grains used once a week is going to give your face a vibrant look.

Free radicals. Heard of them? Nope there’s nothing political about them, but scientifically speaking, a free radical is an atom that’s lost an electron and tries to balance itself by stealing electrons from other cells. Canning the particle-physics jargon, what too many of these free radicals will do to our skin is cause a host of damaging effects, one of them being the visible signs of aging. We can’t avoid them as they come from our environment, but we can fight them with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. Eating well is a sure way of counteracting free radicals but if you have a poor diet then take a vitamin supplement and find a moisturizer containing antioxidants and an SPF of 15.

Lotions and creams are great moisturizers which impart antioxidants to your skin. While a lotion is good for normal skin, dry skin would need more of oils that are contained in creams. One of the best advantages of moisturizing your face is preventing the signs of aging. If you have particularly sensitive skin, then choose a moisturizer that is free of fragrance and hypoallergenic.


Skin-care products such as facial cleansers, exfoliants and moisturizers can be picked up from any up-market department store, spas or at a dermatologist’s. However, each of them has several products that are specific for certain skin types for maximum results. So choose carefully and combat bad skin with the right ones. Be aware of exactly what your skin requires before starting any regimen.

Normal: If you don’t have any particular skin issues, then this is the skin type you have. You might have slightly dry skin in places and slightly oily elsewhere. All you need is a good cleanser (a foaming one), a toner and a moisturizer with antioxidant protection.

Oily: Oily skin has big, open pores and the characteristic greasy T-zone. This causes lots of blackheads, whiteheads and general pore congestion. You need to use a foaming cleanser, toner and an oil-free moisturizer.

Dry: There is excessive tightness and dryness which can get physically uncomfortable. There are signs of aging such as line and wrinkles. You need to use a cream cleanser and a rich cream moisturizer. Cleanse your face only in the night and rinse with water in the morning.

Combination: You have the worse of both dry and oily skin so you need to pay extra attention here. Use a gentle foaming cleanser. Then treat the dry areas with a cream moisturizer if skin is very dry or a lotion if mildly dry.

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Yes it makes you feel uncomfortable, conscious, and humiliated in public. It’s not something that a man would wanna have but unfortunately a number of Indian men are facing this problem. Of course we are addressing to a problem wherein, instead of a lean and solid chest, few men develop loose and hanging piece of fat around their chests, which to say the least looks like breasts.

There are basically two ways through which a man can suffer from this problem. First one being very simple, the person is overweight. Secondly, he could be suffering from a medical problem called Gynecomastia. For the latter you will have to resort to a medical treatment but to deal with the first one, here are few exercises that you can try to win over your boob battle.

Interval Training
These types of exercises have been specifically designed to give your metabolism an excellent lift, and really start burning body fat fast. Interval training can be fairly intense, and this is an outstanding way for burning massive amounts of calories quickly. The best part here is that it also makes your body burn more calories even after your workout is finished, because the body is busy repairing and rebuilding your muscles.

Interval training workouts usually involve about 30 seconds to one minute of intense exercise, followed by two to three minutes of easy exercise. A very common and highly efficient way of burning fat and getting rid of the man boobs - is to sprint really fast for 30-60 seconds, then walking briskly for a another few minutes. Repeat this whole process for about 8-10 times minimum a day and for few weeks & you will surely find your metabolism increased. This procedure will cut down on your overall body fat and also assist in getting your chest back in shape!

Push Ups
Push ups tend to be excellent exercise for building your upper chest area. This won't entirely get rid of your man boobs, but it will certainly make them less noticeable while you're working on your other fat burning exercises.

Cardio Exercises
In order to get rid of your man boobs you will have to burn actual fat from your body. Since you can't burn fat from just one area, you will need to choose exercises which burn fat generally, from your whole body. Cardio is an excellent fat burning activity.

Exercises like Running, Bike Riding, Rowing, and more are all excellent cardio workout examples that will assist you in burning the extra fat from your body and getting rid of your man boobs.

Elliptical Trainer machines
These machines have proven to be beneficial for various people. It is another excellent cardio exercise option, as these machines tend to workout both upper and lower body muscle groups at the same time.

Play Sports
This is another outstanding form of both cardio and interval exercising. While playing sports, have you ever noticed the variation from being in a semi-resting state to a huge burst of immense action and vice versa at a moment? That's the real meaning of interval training, and that's the trick for charging your body's metabolism and fat burning capabilities.

These were few straightforward and effective ways of transforming those man boobs in to chest. Don’t wait anymore, just go out there and try few or all of the above procedures, and you might be in for a surprise to find out how rapid it is to look like a man again!

Types Of Openers

Now that I have made you PITs work on your inner game, I guess it’s now time that you should go out in the field and start making a few cold approaches. Now, I know this part can be quite difficult. Hell, when I had first started walking up to pretty looking girls, there were times when I just ended up walking past them because my mind became a complete blank… what the hell am I supposed to say to her?

My inner game tips will have ensured that you are no longer intimidated by women -- you can look straight at them without lowering your gaze, you have started feeling more empowered and confident while interacting with women who are already in your environment etc. etc. If you have to make a cold approach and start a conversation with a girl you know nothing about, you should know exactly what you are going to say to her. The reason being, if you approach a girl completely unprepared, either of these two things might happen:

1. You will just walk past her without saying anything at all.

2. “Umm…. ‘xcuse me…. Do you…..have the TIME?” Mental blocks will result in stupid openers. Once she says its 6:30, then what? Of course you will have to thank her and move on (cursing yourself under your breath)

That’s the reason why it’s important to use a canned opener. A canned opener is like a pitch, quite like the ones that call centre employees are made to memorise and practice before they start taking/making calls. They know exactly what they are supposed to say and this makes interacting with a complete stranger (with a weird accent) easier. Another thing a canned opener does is that it completely neutralises the effects of a negative reaction. So if ever a girl comes across as cold, disinterested or, in extremely rare cases, rude to your approach, you can simply cut short the conversation and move on to a different target.

Got It?

Types of Canned Openers

Direct Openers: In these openers you are directly conveying your sexual/romantic interest. Direct openers work best in pubs, bars and discotheques where girls are tipsy, their guards (and by that I mean their bitch shields) are down and they actually expect guys to approach them. Use direct openers at your own peril in neutral zones like streets, coffee shops, malls, book stores, parks, gyms etc. In such places, direct openers can and should be used to accelerate emotions of attraction once you have built some rapport with the girl and the conversation is flowing smoothly.

How direct should a direct opener be?
That depends entirely upon the environment you find yourself in. There are essentially three types of energy zones. In a high energy zones like clubs and discos you can be very direct. Direct openers work best if they are outrageously funny. So while they will successfully convey your sexual interest, the humour in it will act as a superb ice breaker by making her laugh.

For example: Say this when you see a group with a girl you like. ‘Hey, it looks like the party’s over here.’ Then turn to the girl you want and add, ‘If I wasn’t gay, you’d be so mine.’

In low energy zones like book shops, classrooms or study centres, offices etc., direct openers shouldn’t be used until you are sure that the girl is showing non verbal signs of interest. If she looks in your direction and smiles at you then you can be pretty sure, that she wants you to approach her and start a conversation. GAME ON.

However, in most circumstances it would be best to start the conversation with an indirect canned opener. Indirect openers are for all situations. They can be safely and effectively used in every imaginable place infested by women.

Before I give you an example of an indirect opener, there are a few things you need to ensure in order to derive maximum value from your approaches:

3-2-1-GO –Approach a girl within three seconds of spotting her. If you wait any longer, your inner (approach) anxieties will psyche you out. Moreover, if the girl has already seen you looking at her, then it’s absolutely necessary that you walk up to her immediately or not do it at all. Women appreciate confidence, they like spontaneity. If you wander around her, keep looking at her while wondering what to do next, you will come across as a stalker, and creep her out. So get in the habit of seeing a girl and approaching her straight away.

Approach at an angle –Neverapproach a woman from behind. Never walk straight up to a group. Come in from the front, but always at a slight angle so it’s not too direct and confrontational. You should speak to her over your shoulder, so it looks like you might walk away at any minute.

Smile on the approach – By smiling I am not talking about that idiotic, sickly grin that you greeted your school principal with when he caught you smoking in the playground. You should smile while walking up to a girl and keep smiling during the first few seconds of the interaction. Learn to smile with the eyes in addition to smiling with your mouth.

Be loud enough -You should be loud enough and clear enough, making sure that girl is able to hear and comprehend what you are saying. If you are a habitually fast talker, practice talking slowly. Practice your openers by standing in front of the mirror, record your voice and listen to your rate of speech. You don’t have to shout, but just make it socially awkward for them not to pay attention and respond to your opener.
Now the player will explain what an indirect canned opener is with the help of an example. This is one of the Player’s favorite openers and is very effective to build some initial rapport and get the girl to participate in the conversation. If the player happens to be in a mall or a shopping complex and sees a girl or a group of girls, he just walks up to them walking tall, with the slightest hint of a smile playing lightly on his lips and says:

The Player: Hey Guys, I need a female opinion on a particular issue. Can you help me out?
The girl/girls: oh…k. What?
The Player: I have a cousin sister who is going abroad to Switzerland. Now I wanted to buy her a really nice Cashmere cardigan. But the problem is that she’s in between sizes, so I don’t know which size to get her….
The great thing with such an opener is that its gets the girl to respond.

The Player’s Suggestion:It’s always best to ask open ended questions. Your aim is to make the girl respond and participate in the conversation and this can only be done by asking an opinion-based open ended question.

The Curse Of Being A nice GUY

Perhaps titling this article “The Reasons Why Most Women Feel No Attraction Towards Nice Guys, Even Though They All Claim That Those Are The Kind Of Guys They Want To Meet” would have been more appropriate. While I was tempted to use this as the title, the reason why I refrained from doing so was simply because it would have meant denying the basic right of self expression to the millions of Indian men suffering from the nice guy syndrome. No one should feel compelled to change his inherent nature especially if it’s actually “nice”. But then again, it hardly feels “nice” to see all those beautiful girls with luscious bodies gravitating towards the jerks and the bad boys, while all you draw from them is the LJBF (Let’s just be friends) line.

Nice Guys Get No Booty
If you are into watching stupid American chat shows, you will keep coming across whining women saying things like “But Oprah, There aren’t any nice guys out there... All the men out there are such jerks and losers. I just want to be with a real nice guy.” See the story’s absolutely same in the US as well. As you stand in front of the TV mentally screeching “HEY, OPEN YOUR EYES. I AM THE GUY YOU ARE LOOKING FOR!” you can bet that there are billions of guys all around the world who are shouting the exact same thing.

Even though women mourn the absolute dearth of nice guys, yet every time you try to score with one of them, your attempts, at best, aren’t taken too seriously and, at worst, are met with jeers and scorn. This usually happens with girls who are right on top of the beauty ladder, so most nice guys have no option but to stick with the women who are beautiful inside. And I know that’s NOT what you PITs are looking for. So what the hell is going on here?

Ok, here’s the answer. As usual, women are all talking in code. They always do this.

Cracking the Code
What women imagine when they think of a nice-guy, is a man who’s able to make them feel SAFE, but in a way that doesn’t compromise his inner sexual attractiveness. It’s a wonder that it took me so long to figure out this part of the puzzle. For a woman, a nice safe guy means nothing more than someone who is physically harmless. THAT’S IT. It just means a guy who won’t force himself on her, won’t use date-rape drugs or won’t resort to any such despicable things. However, in terms of what such a guy can actually do to her emotions… that’s a completely different story.

It is this special blend of safe & dangerous, exciting & boring, hot & cold that most women look for in men. It’s what they love for. This is their definition of having that sparkling sexual chemistry with a guy.

Nice Guy = Loser Guy
The biggest problem with acting overly nice or being lap-doggishly friendly around women is that such behavior communicates the worst kind of subliminal message to them. Understand this fact that a major part of the communication that takes place between a man and a woman in the first few stages of a romantic relationship is always non-verbal. Words do play an important role in the seduction process, but it is the vibes and the signals that do most of the talking. So it’s what you don’t communicate with words that will decide whether you get laid or masturbate. (Pardon the poor rhyming.)

Here’s the reason:

Women don’t see the “nice guy” act as something deliberately done in their presence as a well meaning but messed up attempt to impress them. Had that been the case, they would have actually appreciated the gesture. Instead, when you pull off the nice guy act, they actually believe that you have been TRAINED (yes, like a DOG) to act this way by the more powerful and the more domineering men in the world.

So in other words, women think that men do the nice guy act in the presence of stronger, more powerful men in order to protect themselves from harm. (Please don’t hurt me since I am no threat to your status as the leader of the pack…let me kiss your ass and be your harmless lovable sidekick.)

For attractive and desirable women, this niceness is nothing less than a huge billboard with the words “LOW STATUS MALE” written in red and therefore …It’s an enormous turnoff for them.

So the point to remember is that for women, their Prince “nice-guy” charming is one with whom they: a) will feel safe to be with b) won’t feel embarrassed to show off to their (judgmental) friends and family. There is a huge difference between being a completely chauvinistic psycho and an ass kissing wimp. What you have to do is find that safe middle ground.

So what are some of the effective ways in which this theory can be put into practice? Though it’s rather difficult to describe exactly how one should go about being the PERFECT nice guy, I will give it my best shot.

So here goes:

Never broadcast your Niceness

You should never act like a nice guy around a woman, but…

You should always want them to think of the “nice-guy” being a better facet of you. So making an occasional “nice-guy” gesture will just add to the charm and make you more appealing.

Are you able to make sense of what I am trying to explain here? The problem with being a nice guy is that you consciously try to come across as nice, rather than just naturally letting it happen. You should never try to deliberately act “nice” around women. The only thing you need to do is drop a hint here and there, so that your woman thinks that it’s also a part (but just a PART) of your personality. Never EVER broadcast your nice guy appeal to women as if it’s something you are actually proud off. It’s simply not done.

Here are a few examples of what I mean:

Non-verbal Communication: When you first interact with a woman, you should quickly open up several lines of non-verbal communication in a way that should send a variety of subliminal messages to her subconscious brain. You must be able tap her instinctual mating desires by making her see you as a potential sexual partner without saying anything to that effect. Sounds really tricky, doesn’t it? It’s actually very easy. Two ways of doing this is by maintaining extended, meaningful eye contact with her and by briefly and inoffensively touching her on the parts of her body that she deems to be non-sexual (like her arms and elbows). Both are casual and innocent and yet send powerful signals to the deepest part of her brain.

Nice-Guy Hints: Drop little hints about the “nice guy” side of your personality, but do nothing to actually demonstrate it. You can do this by a) slipping in hints that you have strong social and familial relationships - an obvious sign to her that you are normal & connected and b) that you have a number of exciting things going on in your life like a successful career, a fulfilling hobby, several recent adventures that you had. (If you don’t have any, just make up convincing stories.)

Be Wicked: Be playful and unpredictable. Make fun of her. Have double-meaning conversations with her. One of the easiest ways of doing this is by challenging her beliefs through humor mixed with a dash of cockiness. More often guys are so afraid that they might say or do something that would freak the girl out, that they end up playing it extra safe and come across as super NICE and super BORING. Don’t be that guy. Even though you might feel terrified at the prospect of losing her, you have to ensure that she doesn’t get a whiff of this. So always be relaxed around her. Your aim is to make her feel that you are the catch. If she even gets a hint of your desperation, you’ll be out before you even know it.

See how easy it is? You neither have to purchase a Harley, grow a stubble, get into bar fights, drive dead drunk or do anything even remotely similar (and stupid) to power your inner bad boy. All you have to do is not apologize for being a man, not act needy around women and understand and study the dynamics of male-female attraction. Read the Pickup/Relationships section of MensXpert on a daily basis and soon you too will able to master the subtle science of seduction.

Create A Killer First Impression

However much you protest, it cannot be denied that people instantly judge you based on how you look. You could be a successful professional raking in the moolah and having recently acquired a swanky car, but if you are dressed shabbily with food stains on your clothes and with two days’ growth of stubble on your face, then you will be judged accordingly. We’re here to make sure that never happens to you! Read on and get a grip on how to make a great first impression.

Sticking to basics

A healthy body does it for you. If you take care of your body, it’s half the job already done when it comes to making a good impression. Eat regular and balanced meals and get your share of physical exercise. Smoke and drink only occasionally if at all, hard... we know!! Cultivating habits like this will go a long way in making you a person with a significant presence and who is sure to make a lasting first impression.

Pamper your skin. To ensure that your skin is glowing and that you look fresh, do what the doctor ordered. Make sure you drink at least two liters of water a day. If possible drin at least a beer glass full of water in the morning. It takes a getting used to but does wonders for your complexion. Get enough sleep so that you don’t have puffy eyes, and also moisturize regularly to keep your skin nourished (Try L'oreal Hydra). Before stepping out, always check your face to make sure you don’t have any smudges of dirt on it, or any stray hair growing or crust in your eyes. This just takes you a few seconds and it will surely add to your look.

Close shave. Shave regularly to look your best. If you sport a beard or a moustache or a French beard, then make sure it is trimmed neatly and has no stray hairs sticking out in multiple directions. Also make sure that you shave in the same direction as the growth of the hair, and that you soften your facial hair before shaving it. This will ensure that there aren’t ingrowths and also reduce the possibilities of getting nicked while shaving.

Tips for lips. Chapped lips will never get you anywhere with that girl you like, so use lip balm regularly to keep them moisturized and smooth. Don’t put too much on or it might end up looking like you’re wearing lip gloss. If it embarrasses you to use it, only apply it when you’re in the washroom.

Get in the shower. The basic step to staying clean and smelling good even without any cologne. This is a step you are not allowed to miss because it’s as simple as water, shower and towel. So whether you’ve just come back from the gym, woken up, or are going for a party - shower!

Keep your hands clean. Women notice nice hands and hands play a make-or-break role in business meetings because of the importance of a handshake. Cut and file your nails regularly and also make sure that they don’t have any residue of food or dirt stuck in them. Keep a nail clipper, file and other items you might need in the shower so that you can save time needed to do this. Wash your hands frequently and especially after a meal because smelly and sweaty hands are the biggest turn off. Also use a bit of hand lotion on them to prevent your hands resembling tough hide.

Don’t be shaggy. Since hair grows regularly, you have to always keep a check on when your ear, nose, chest hair needs a trim. It’s best to trim hair from these parts at least once a week. Also shampoo and condition your hair everyday. Of course if you have long hair, maybe alternate days would be fine, but never let your hair look greasy and straggly.

Clothes & more maketh the man

Sense of style. Clothes that fit well, and which are clean, neatly ironed and smell good are very important. Don’t recycle clothes that have been chucked into your laundry basket because you have run out of clean, ironed clothes. You won’t fool anyone with that trick! The fit also is very important to looking good. It’s no use wearing expensive shirts and branded trousers if you’ve got the fit wrong. People will only notice that your clothes are hanging on you or alternatively, are too tight for you.

Shiny shoes. Men are judged by their shoes. If you don’t know this yet, you’ve obviously no idea about the typical standards used to judge men. If you are wearing formal shoes, make sure they’re not scuffed and dirty. They should be polished and shiny. Casual shoes should also be clean and avoid tattered shoes at all costs!

Smell good. Don’t go overboard and douse yourself with strong smelling perfume, after using strong smelling toiletries, but pick one cologne and stick with it. Don’t use different smelling soaps, lotions and then apply cologne because the scents could mix badly resulting in a weird smelling mish-mash on you. Don’t ever go cheap when buying perfume. Not only might it react badly with your skin, but also it can never smell as good as the original. Also, never ever try to disguise body odor with cologne. It’s the worst thing you could possibly do! Have a shower instead.

Last pointers
Once you’re ready and stepping out of your house, keep these last pointers in mind.

Maintain Posture. Posture is very important. Do not slouch and always walk straight because it projects confidence and assertiveness in a man. If you have trouble with maintaining your posture, do some posture exercises regularly till you perfect your posture. For more information, read our section on getting your posture just right.

A Firm handshake. When you first meet a person and shake his or her hand, make your handshake firm and look them in the eyes and smile. Not meeting a person’s eye, or giving someone a limp handshake is the worst first impression you can create. It reflects a personality that's is not sure of himself, and is insecure. Neither of these makes for a good impression.

Sweaty Stuff. Sweat is inevitable, but can be beaten. Keep a check on whether you smelling and reapply cologne or deodorant. Also wear an undershirt if you tend to sweat a lot. Use foot powder on your feet to keep your shoes and feet from smelling bad.

Double Check. During your day at work or during your night out, your clothes are sure to shift or crumple or get food stains on them. Make sure you check yourself in the mirror to see if you need to adjust anything in your attire.

After Meals. After any meal, check your teeth for food residue and re-check your face to see if there’s any smudge or dirt. Rinse your mouth out and use mint to avoid you breath from smelling.

Looking good and projecting the confidence that comes from it will get you noticed by people, and is sure to create a great first impression for you. Use a mirror to check regularly if your look needs any adjustments and you’re sure to create a lasting impression with your suave self.






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