If you ever wanted to make your own Skynet mainframe (you know, from Terminator? You don’t remember? It’s the AI system hell bent on destroying the earth. Yup, that one), but didn’t have the money? Now you don’t have to rely on the Cyberdyne, or even reverse engineering technology from an alien race. Nope, this isn’t a funny infomercial.
Corsair Memory, a California based computer hardware company has manufactured, no, given life to an insane 24 GB RAM kit. Rightly called Dominator, the kit costs $1300, and comprises of six 4 GB memory modules rated at1333MHz. It may seem beastly on your current home PC. It is – the Dominator is meant for the latest Core i7 processors, whose beauty, reader, will take another article to explain.
This memory kit is designed for the new breed of superfast desktop computers - the i7 desktops, and is compatible with new computers from Dell, Gateway and Alienware on the Intel X58 platform.
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