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geT thE beST daTIn Tips U EVEr WAnted to have JUST FoR FRee

"When a man cancels a date he cancels it because he has to...But when an X-Faker cancels a date he cancels it because he has two."





How to Impress a Girl With Only 5 Dollars to Your Name

Let's say you're struggling to make ends meet and in your mind you have no hopes of impressing a girl you like when you only have $5.00 left in your pocket after you've taken care of all your financial responsibilities. But hey, payday is just 4 days away, right?

You totally knew how to get a girlfriend in high school, right? but now your either in college or out on your own, and unlike when you were attending Broke Wallet High School, women expect you to have at least 1 unsecured credit card and enough money to take them out on a dinner date.

This is where it gets interesting. Experts say it's not all about money when it comes to attracting a girl or dating her, although without a doubt, let's face it; it does make the whole process a lot easier!

Worse yet, is when you're trying to practice all the first date tips you've learned from the latest "how to" dating guide, and they all include having to have at least a little money to spend.

So, what do you do? Well, I can tell you what most men do in this situation. They stay home! But for dating ninja warriors like you and I, what I would do is suck it up and go forward with our plans of hooking up with a gorgeous babe, regardless of how deep and empty your pockets are.

I would tell the girl I'm targeting (targeting is such a harsh and insensitive-sounding word, isn't it?) that I'd love to spend time with her, and take her out on an afternoon date for a simple walk in your town's favorite park.

If you really want to know how to tell a girl you like her, all you have to do is definitely make sure your gas tank is at least half full for this one, and definitely save the 5 bucks only for her. Don't use that lame lie about leaving your money or wallet at home; girls can see right through that!
Tell them the truth at the appropriate time if you find yourself in a situation such as her wanting to go eat lunch, etc.; "I'm a little tight right now because had some unexpected expenses come up, but I wanted to get to know you so I wasn't worried about not having a little extra cash. Thenjokingly say "I have a whole 5 dollars. Tell me what I can get you."

At this point you will have learned how to impress a girl while not having any money and her response will either be, "what a loser," or "Wow, he's really sweet, sensitive, and caring."

Either way, you'll know whether or not you have a down-to-earth keeper or a superficial diva wannabe!

How to Impress a Girl You've Already Met

Let's say you've met a chick on a Saturday, you've got her phone number after a somewhat brief introduction and conversation; now you're wondering how to impress a girl who already knows about you and is expecting your call.

The first point to consider is when you should call her. Never call her the following 2 days after you meet her. She'll think you're desperate. Wait until preferably the 4th day (Wednesday) to call and say hello. Do not invite her anywhere at this point. Merely tell her you were thinking about her today and you wanted to say hello.

Now, even though you haven't invited her to go out anywhere, if she likes you, you're building momentum because you've got her head spinning with excitement hoping you'll ask her out . I know it sounds a little cruel, but hold off asking her to go out during that first call and wait until 1 day later. That will have given her a whole day to think about your call, and she will have already made up her mind whether she's really interested or not.

Now, there's a chance she knows this little routine, but chances are she doesn't.

What you can do now to really impress a woman at this stage is to invite her to a private little picnic at a local park. This one freaks women out in a god way and makes a lasting impression because they're always expecting to go to a movie, a lunch date, etc. They're not expecting something romantic because there simply aren't that many guys who are truly romantic.

And whatever you're motive is; whether it's to get to know her or just have a fling, women cant resist a romantic little date such as a picnic. Put some wine (if you're of legal drinking age), sandwiches, and fruits in a picnic basket and she may never forget this day for the rest of her life! This one works like magic almost every time.

If she turns you down after you ask her to go out with you on a particular day , you should politely say you understand and ask her. "What day is good for you?" If she still says she can't meet you within a few days tell her to call you sometime during the next week or so if she'd like to get together with you.

Whatever you do; don't call her after that, let her call you. If she doesn't call back within the following week, chances are she's not interested. Move onto the next girl!

The biggest thing to keep on mind when it comes to knowing how to impress a girl you've already made contact with is to not make yourself appear desperate, and to appear confident as if you've got something going on for yourself, and to appear as if you know how to treat a lady...well like... a lady!

Dating Older Woman

Dating Older Woman

Here we are intended to tell you what to keep in mind when opting for a date with an older woman...

If a mother-of-three Demi Moore can attract a young man like Ashton, you know for sure that young and happening men do not mind dating older woman. A survey reported that young men find older women with 'experience' sexy and exciting as a companion.

Here's a guide to help you, if you've fallen in love with an older woman or you don't mind going for such an experience.


Accept that this relationship, however serious, will be built less on common ground and more on exploring new territory. Don't expect your date to enjoy your talks about party and friends for along time, she will want to relax with a drink. That means you need to change the topic of discussion. Ask her questions about her job, her hobbies, what type of music she likes. Even though, it will not make much sense to you, look engrossed and don't be discouraged if you can't find common ground. You are after all young and you are supposed to know only what you've experienced so far. So what if she's a gardening enthusiast, but you know nothing about it? Ask her to gift you some plants for keepsake and that you promise to nurture the plants according to her gardening tips.


If you end up in a relationship with an older woman, then the only time you should be playing games is when you turn on your laptop. Forget all the high school dating rules in order to make yourself look cool. The solution is simple: Just act your age and like you feel, not how you think you should according to some dating protocols you were taught by friends in college. If you feel attracted to her, tell her.

If you have the urge to call her, do it. Since an older woman is more likely to be further along in her career than you are, she may insist on paying most of the time, be comfortable about this. But do be a gentleman and offer to buy dinner.


Be prepared to handle comments. Many relationships of younger men and older women have been talked about for a long long time now, but yet such relationships does arouse a lot of curiosity. You'll have to deal with looks and remarks from friends, family, and even strangers. But if you do manage not to stumble by the comments, you'll not only cope, you'll impress your lady with your maturity and charm. If somebody can't help but glare at you and your lady for the obvious reasons, be witty and smoothly say something like, "I don't blame you for staring. She's beautiful, isn't she?"


Agreed the lady you are dating is smart, confident and mature but be certain she'll not like her age being mentioned at any given time. You know how women are touchy about their age! She might feel you are subtly reminding her of the age difference between the two of you and that could make her uncomfortable. Please, for heaven's sake avoid a comment like, "Don't we get along so well, despite our age differences". Besides, it's your personalities, not your birthday candles, that are compatible - and that's where you should concentrate. Don't you make the mistake of asking the question like, "Did your town/city have electricity when you were a little girl?"


Remember, she is dating you because she likes you. She obviously had a choice of dating anyone of her age but she didn't. So don't pressure yourself to act more mature. Maybe, she's attracted to you because you are young and have a open mind. You offer spontaneity and fun.

All About Body Language

All About Body Language

Yes, your body language plays a very important role in impressing your date. So while you're trying to get your partner's attention, here are a few things that you must do and must not do-all, so that you can breeze into a relationship for keeps...


1) Hold yourself upright. Think of how you'd hold yourself if you were the most confident person in the world.

2) Move slowly. Gesture slowly. Speak slowly. Blink slowly. This communicates comfort and confidence.

3) Pause often. Only respond if you choose to. Remember: You don't need to react or respond to anything that you don't want to. Women often try to push you off balance. Don't fall for it. Stay cool, and pause if you need to in order to keep your composure.


1) Talking too fast or too much. This communicates that you're nervous and sketchy, unless you're telling a really intresting story, that is...

2) Making nervous gestures, laughs, tics, etc. At times many guys laugh nervously after just about everything they say. This is the death of attraction. It instantly communicates insecurity.

3) Breaking eye contact. At fIrst, you need to maintain eye contact until she breaks it. This establishes at an unconscious level that you're not afraid.

How to Attract an Older Woman

It's may be difficult enough attracting an older women, but you've really got the odds stacked against you when you're a teenage guy trying to make an impression on someone older than you. They key is to expand your horizons and avoid teenage stereotypes and while there are no guarantees that a date or a relationship will result, it will certainly increase your chances.


  1. 1.)Base your pursuit on her age. A girl who's only a year older than you will be easier to impress than a woman who's ten years older than you are.
  2. 2.)Have a good BODY LANGUAGE
  3. 3.)Get into her social circle. Since she is not your age, she doesn't automatically show up in the same places you hang out. Determine where she likes to go and who she hangs out with, and find a way in. One example:

    • Find an older girl that you are attracted to.
    • Find out if she has a brother your age.
    • If she does have a brother your age, get to know him.
  4. Only if she has a brother, pretend to play-fight with him, until you attract her attention.

  5. 4.)If she doesn't have a brother, attract her attention with something that she likes.
    • When you have caught her attention, try to make her laugh.
    • Whenever you see her, try to make her laugh.
    • Again, with the brother. If he asks you if you like his sister, you tell him that you do.

5.)Take an interest in her interests, which are likely to be very different than yours. If you know she's into opera, for example, tell her that you've never seen an opera (assuming you haven't) and ask her if she has any recommendations. If you're not willing to find out what she's into and explore it, then reconsider whether you really want to go after someone who has such different interests than you do.


  • Bathe & brush your teeth before you see her.
  • Wear clean clothes.
  • Try to act mature.
  • Learn proper grammar.
  • Use hamam soap
  • Assert yourself make sure she knows your interested
  • Ask her to teach you something she likes or ask her to sing her a song.
  • Look at her eyes and listen to her carefully while she is talking about herself


  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Don’t show fear.
  • Don't ask her how old she is ,she will tell you when she's ready
  • Be careful that with step 2 you aren't stalking a girl. Restraining orders really can curb true love.
  • Don't over due the trying to make her laugh, she may find you annoying


Fifa Fashion Collection

altFunk met FIFA in perhaps the quirkiest collection from the young guns of Milan.

Inspired by the beautiful sport, Football Fashion Funk was a competition in which young designers showcased their hippest coutoures, cashing in on the hype of world cup.

The Golden Goal Wedding Gown

fifa wedding gown

You’re definitely a fan, if you plan to read your vows if your team wins the cup. So what better way to celebrate the occasion than convincing your girl to walk down the aisle wearing this football themed wedding gown.

Friday Night FIFA

fifa fashion party dress

Its party night for the ladies of Johannesburg, who will be jiving all night long to the beats of FIFA, wearing this funky FIFA party skirt.

FIFA Safari Gown

fifa safari gown fashion collection

Think twice before you ‘tackle’ this maiden in panther prints. She may look all primped and prepared to paint the town yellow, but that hitched up skirt gives her ample leg room to take a penalty shot at your butts.

Official Circus Jersey

fifa circus gown

Worn by Jumbo for first time in the 16the century and was adopted as the official circus jersey from 2nd world cup onwards. What is the connection between football and circus, you ask! Haven’t you seen those celebratory somersaults by the players, after they score?

‘Use Protection, Play Safe’ Jumper

use protection play safe fifa fashion jumper

A couple of hard knocks is a part of the game, but in life and in football, you have defend you balls with your life. The Play Safe Jumper, obviously inspired from Rugby (the modern day version of a free for all Gladiator punch-up) should inspire the players to stay injury free both on and off the field.

10 facts about Hookah you dint but should know

1. A false belief among users is that the smoke from hookah is less dangerous than that of cigarettes. This is wrong! However since people think this is true, it gives a false sense of security and reduces concerns about true health effects. Doctors at institutions including the Mayo Clinic have stated that “use of hookah is equally detrimental to a person’s health as smoking cigarettes,” and a study by the World Health Organization also confirmed these findings.

2. Hookah use may lead to infertility. Yes, you read that correctly.

3. In a one-hour (1 hour) hookah session, users consume around 100 to 200 times the smoke and about 70 times the nicotine as they do in one cigarette.

4. Water pipe smokers are seven times (7 times) more likely than non-smokers to show signs of gum disease and mouth cancer.

5. There are over 250 different kinds of Hookah flavors, and that number continues to rise.

6. Each hookah session (commonly referred to as “a sesh”) consists of 50 to 200 inhalations that each range from 0.15 to 0.50 liters of smoke.

7. Hookah users may become infected with herpes.

8. Chilling with friends and smoking hookah may seem fun and put you in the “cool group.” However, the reality is thirty (30) minutes of smoking hookah is the same as chain-smoking half a pack of cigarettes.

9. Hookah contains 69 different carcinogens.

10. Hookah use may cause impotence. If you don’t know what this means, then here’s your definition: “Impotence is a common problem among men characterized by the consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse or the inability to achieve ejaculation, or both.” – medicinenet.

How To Pass Exams Without Revising

© thusaagricola typepad

As an adult with a respectable job, I am still persecuted by corporate higher education.

I have to study for meetings, seminars, talks.

In the past, it was spending hours and hours studying, wasting my life – social life at that – all for a fancy graduation paper with your name on it sounds idiotic to say the least.

By following these Xpert tips on passing (and acing) exams without studying, you will not have to waste the best years of your life buried under a pile of books.

Mentioned below are some of the smartest revision-reducers to have ever been formulated.

Subliminal Learning

Who needs books when you have technology to help you out? All you need to do is to record a few sessions of key facts (a little soothing background music can also help) and feed it into your iPod or MP3 Player. Then whether you laze all day long or spend it surfing porn or making out with your chick, as long as the headphones are plugged into your ear, your subconscious is doing its share of work. Whether you realise it or not, you will be able to regurgitate everything that you subconsciously memorised while playing Halo 3.

Use Study Aids

Why reinvent the wheel when you have dozens of experts to help you out for a few hundred rupees? Your main course books, if you stick to them will confuse, confound and frustrate the life out of you. A lot of what you need to know for your exam is condensed within a few pages of text contained within a study guide. The slimmest version is often all you need to get through your exams with eminently respectable grades.

Time Management

Why study for several hours a day, when by focussing hard (and I really mean focussing) for couple of hours you can absorb massive amounts of information. This way you will be left with more than enough time for all your fun-filled pursuits and won’t develop the kind of mental scarring I did for studying way too hard for my board exams.

Tune in to your natural way of learning

Yes we all have our very personal ways of tuning into the process of learning. For example my elder brother studied best when the rhythmic abuses of Eminem played in the background. If you are finding it difficult to concentrate, it might be because you completely missed the way your brain prefers to learn. As a kid I learnt my lessons by playing at school, with my girlfriend. She was the teacher and I was her willing student, and whatever she taught my brain absorbed so readily that even now I can sit for 4th standard exam and ace it with flying colors.

There you have it – A collection of smart ways you can use to limit the amount of study time. Don’t get too carried away though. Study hard but study smart and don’t blame this article if you flunk.

Hair and skin guide for men

    • Here's a hair and make-up guide exclusively for men.

      Vanity Secrets Hair: If you have long hair, pull it back and tuck it neatly behind the ears - tie a knot at the back to keep it from getting sweaty and sticky and falling all over your neck.

      Headgear: During the day, wear a casual or sports (cotton) cap or a hat - not just because headgear is a strong trend this summer, but also because it protects you from the sun. Place the cap / hat at an angle that flatters your face.

      To avoid accumulation of sweat underneath, ensure you take it off occasionally, allowing the scalp to stay dry as well as to breathe. Face and neck: Try and refrain from maintaining a shadow stubble or sporting any facial hair for that matter - this will keep you feeling less itchy and moist in that area.

      Underarms: Trim or remove hair to prevent excessive sweating. To smell fresh through the day and to avoid sweat patches on your T-shirts and shirts, use a long-lasting and alcohol-free deo stick.

      Elbows: Use an exfoliating scrub (once a week) to keep elbows looking clean and free of grime. Better still, when in the shower, use a loofah scrub (with some soap or shower gel on it) to remove dry and dead skin.

      Arms: Removing the hair on your arms doesn't just make them look wider, but also makes your skin feel lighter and softer. Vest: If you tend to sweat excessively on your back and chest, wear a light coloured cotton vest under your shirt to absorb the moisture and keep you dry.

      Hair Care Nourish: In summer, avoid using oil or heavy styling products on a daily basis. Having said that, ensure that you condition your hair with an application of a nourishing oil (Salon / Modicare - almond & vitamin E oil) no more than once a week.

      Condition: To wash daily, use a mild frequent use shampoo (Fruit of the Earth - arnica and tea tree shampoo) followed by a good conditioner (Fruit of the Earth - almond and aloe vera conditioner). The Styles Under 20:Wild & Rebellious Hair Length: Medium to long.

      Sides: Very short, graduating and blending into medium to long strands. Slim, narrow sideburns.

      Top: Uneven and ruffled in an upward and outward direction to look sharp and to add dimension. Less than 25: Short & Sporty Hair Length: Short.

      Sides: Flattened and pressed down. Thick but short sideburns.

      Top: Messy - lifted at the back, then styled unevenly in all directions. Over 25: Textured & Masculine Hair Length: Medium.

      Sides: Pressed down towards the ears and face. Long and bushy sideburns that end in a two day old stubble.

      Top: Lifted at the top and centre. Above 30: Even and Mature Hair Length: Short.

      Sides: Short and flat, set in place without any product. Medium length and narrow sideburns.

      Top: Pushed forward towards the forehead. Here's a hair and make-up guide exclusively for men.

      Vanity Secrets Hair: If you have long hair, pull it back and tuck it neatly behind the ears - tie a knot at the back to keep it from getting sweaty and sticky and falling all over your neck. Headgear: During the day, wear a casual or sports (cotton) cap or a hat - not just because headgear is a strong trend this summer, but also because it protects you from the sun.

      Place the cap / hat at an angle that flatters your face. To avoid accumulation of sweat underneath, ensure you take it off occasionally, allowing the scalp to stay dry as well as to breathe.

      Face and neck: Try and refrain from maintaining a shadow stubble or sporting any facial hair for that matter - this will keep you feeling less itchy and moist in that area. Underarms: Trim or remove hair to prevent excessive sweating.

      To smell fresh through the day and to avoid sweat patches on your T-shirts and shirts, use a long-lasting and alcohol-free deo stick. Elbows: Use an exfoliating scrub (once a week) to keep elbows looking clean and free of grime.

      Better still, when in the shower, use a loofah scrub (with some soap or shower gel on it) to remove dry and dead skin. Arms: Removing the hair on your arms doesn't just make them look wider, but also makes your skin feel lighter and softer.

      Vest: If you tend to sweat excessively on your back and chest, wear a light coloured cotton vest under your shirt to absorb the moisture and keep you dry. Hair Care Nourish: In summer, avoid using oil or heavy styling products on a daily basis.

      Having said that, ensure that you condition your hair with an application of a nourishing oil (Salon / Modicare - almond & vitamin E oil) no more than once a week. Condition: To wash daily, use a mild frequent use shampoo (Fruit of the Earth - arnica and tea tree shampoo) followed by a good conditioner (Fruit of the Earth - almond and aloe vera conditioner).

      The Styles Under 20: Wild & Rebellious Hair Length: Medium to long. Sides: Very short, graduating and blending into medium to long strands.

      Slim, narrow sideburns. Top: Uneven and ruffled in an upward and outward direction to look sharp and to add dimension.

      Less than 25: Short & Sporty Hair Length: Short. Sides: Flattened and pressed down.

      Thick but short sideburns. Top: Messy - lifted at the back, then styled unevenly in all directions.

      Over 25: Textured & Masculine Hair Length: Medium. Sides: Pressed down towards the ears and face.

      Long and bushy sideburns that end in a two day old stubble. Top: Lifted at the top and centre.

      Above 30: Even and Mature Hair Length: Short. Sides: Short and flat, set in place without any product.

      Medium length and narrow sideburns.

      Text: Hindustan Times

    A Smoking Bodybuilder….Nah!

    © Letterstobob

    I share my gym with guys who can’t do without a ciggi-break between their workouts.

    I can hardly whine. I too, was a part of this tribe. However, kicking the habit has made a world of difference to my training and sense of well-being.

    Those who get into weight training give up smoking once they start seeing the benefits. With a sustained weight training regime, one begins to take greater pride in his physical appearance, and the cigarette becomes an unsightly blemish that has to be wiped clean.

    Healthy heart vs Smokers heart

    Bodybuilding & Permanently Stubbing the Butt!

    Reduced lung capacity is the worst that can happen to a bodybuilder. A dude who never stepped into a gym will never know the havoc cigarettes surreptitiously play on health; a heavy set of squats, followed by a few bench presses, will completely exhaust a smoker.

    Ultimately he’ll be forced to make a choice between smoking and bodybuilding.
    The biggest determining factor that leads body-builders to making the conscious decision to quit smoking is the very tangible result they are made to witness in the form of an inferior physique. Not only do cigarettes affect one’s ‘performance’ in the gym but tobacco smoke destroys all of body’s cells…including muscle cells. Ask any doctor.

    Tobacco has the following impact on your performance:

    • Irreversible damage to the respiratory system, which directly translates into an inability to train as hard as a non-smoking bodybuilder. When the all important factor is the ability to push oneself to add an extra set or do another hour of cardiovascular training when you’re exhausted – the likelihood of ever being able to do these things gets significantly reduced. Both lung growth and function get diminished, leaving a bodybuilder helplessly gasping for air when he needs it the most.
    • Due to the stimulating effect of nicotine, a smoker’s heart beats almost 30% faster compared to a non-smoker. This forces the smoker’s body to expend more energy, increasing the blood pressure, and resulting in reduced performance.
    • Smokers produce twice the amount of phlegm as non smokers. When produced in increased quantities, phlegm starts collecting in air passage and prohibits correct respiration.
    • Haemoglobin (carries oxygen through the blood stream) prefers carbon monoxide (present in cigarette smoke) to oxygen. A smoker's muscles are thus fed with carbon monoxide instead of oxygen during exercise, resulting in reduced performance.
    • Tar in cigarettes coat the air sacs in lungs, reducing their elasticity. This results in reduced absorption of oxygen into the bloodstream.

    Hopefully this article will help a number of aspiring body builders give up this disgusting habit, a lot sooner than they would otherwise have.






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